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April 14, 2024 Mustang News

Good evening Mustang Families. Students have started 4th quarter and 3rd quarter report cards are scheduled to be distributed on Friday, April 19th.


Bring Your Legislator to School Day: We are excited to welcome Rep. Cynthia Ball to The Ranch on Monday for Bring Your Legislator to School Day. A few of our ambassadors will tour her through the building and share some of the wonderful aspects of Martin.


Congratulations: The Martin Choral Department took part in the Music in the Parks Festival and Adjudication on Saturday and earned a rating of Superior, the highest rating possible. Additionally, the students placed 1st in both their category and the Overall Middle School Choir! Congratulations to all members of the Choir and to Ms. Thomas!


Yearbook: The yearbook staff worked extremely hard on this year’s yearbook! Once we sell out, there will be no more books available. Order your 2024 Martin Yearbook using this link or call 1-877-767-5217. Email Mrs. Bricker ( with questions. Thank you! 


Parent Survey: Our district values your feedback! This month, WCPSS is asking you to take a brief survey to tell them about your experience with WCPSS and Martin Middle School. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think. Surveys are available in multiple languages--Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. 

The survey will begin on April 8th and close on May 17th

Click here to access the survey.



Rising 7th Grade Families: We will hold a Family Coffee for our rising 7th grade families (current 6th grade families) on Friday, April 19th at 8am. The meet link is Ms. Harrington, 7th grade administrator, will share information with our current 6th grade families about what to expect in 7th grade.



Rising 9th Grade Enloe Students: Students attending Enloe High School in the fall will have multiple opportunities to be on campus for community building events. The Enloe PTA has opportunities for parents to become involved as well. For more information, please visit the linked document.



Pets on Campus: We ask that families leave their four-legged friends at home during athletic events. We want to ensure a safe environment for our athletes and spectators. As always, service animals are welcome at all events.



Clubs on Campus: 

Art Garden Club: Wednesday, April 17th from 2:30-3:30 in room 3005. Contact Ms. Bennett ( with questions.


Debate Club: Thursday, April 18th from 2:15-4:00 in room 1007. Contact Ms. Snider ( with questions.


Trivia/Quiz Bowl Club: Friday, April 19th from 2:30-3:30 in room 1134. Contact Mr. Fogg ( with questions).



Athletics this Week: All games and meets begin at 4pm unless otherwise noted. Tickets can be purchased in advance at or at the gate for $6.

All student spectators are to be picked up promptly at the conclusion of each sporting event.


Tuesday, 4/16                    Soccer @ Oberlin

Wednesday, 4/17              Track v Carnage

Thursday, 4/18                  Softball @ Dillard Drive (4:15)



From the PTA: 

General PTA Meeting: We will hold a virtual general PTA meeting on May 15th. Please mark your calendars now for the date. More details about time and the meeting link will come.



Board Leadership Needed: The Nominating Committee is actively looking for parents to fill major board positions including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for the 2024-25 school year. Without  these vital leadership roles, Martin cannot have a PTA nor distribute funding to all the programs that support our teachers and students. No experience is required and, rest assured, the current board members are here to help you learn the ropes!


Contact and we will find a good fit for you!



Thank you, Mustang Families, and have a wonderful evening.