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Week of 11/6/2023

Hello Carver Families, 

I hope you all have had a great weekend. We are looking forward to welcoming our Carver Cubs back to school tomorrow and having another Transformative week, despite it being a short week :-)


Please take a moment to read the following school and district updates to help guide you and your family for the upcoming weeks of school. 


Special Announcements

  • Please join us WELCOME Ms. LaTisha Salisbury! She will be joining our staff this week as our Math Intervention Facilitator and Math intervention Teacher. 

  • The 2023-2024 Yearbook is on sale now. The following are the deadlines and cost for our yearbook this year: $13.00 until 1/26/2024 and $15.00 until 3/8/2024. Cash or check can be sent in with your student. Checks should be made payable to Strawbridge not Carver PTA. You can also ORDER ONLINE AT WWW.STRAWBRIDGE.NET with the ONLINE CODE: YB29762 Here is a direct link to the parent’s ordering site:

  • November is American Indian Heritage Month


Happening This Week:

  • Mon 11/6 - Quarter 2 Interim Reports will be sent home

  • Mon 11/6 - Information regarding our upcoming family engagement event will be sent home with students. Please check your students’ bookbag for a flier that will provide details about Literacy Night. 

  • Tue 11/7 - No School for Students, Teacher Workday

  • Wed 11/8 - 5th Grade Math NC Check In

  • Fri 11/10 - No School, Holiday, Veterans Day


  • Wed 11/15 - 4th Grade Symphony Field Trip

  • Thurs 11/16 - 2nd grade In-House Field Trip

  • Thurs 11/16 -  Literacy Night (Family Engagement Event), 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

  • Wed 11/22 - Fri 11/24 - No School, Thanksgiving Break



  • Our Fall First Tee program ended last Wednesday. Thank you to Mr. Strickland, Ms. Tant, Ms. Lewis, and Ms. J. McCloud for engaging our participants in activities to teach good character traits through the sport of golf. We plan to have a spring session, so stay tuned. 



Social Emotional Learning at Carver

This week, our students will be exploring the important value of honesty as part of our focus on the November skill spotlight. Being honest aligns with our lessons on Emotion Management in Second Step Unit 2. Students will learn about how being truthful helps them understand their feelings better and why it's important, while also discussing how being dishonest can have negative effects on them. For more information, go to Ms. McCloud's Website for grade specific family connection resources. 


From The PTA

*Carver PTA Making a Difference One Donut Bite at a Time. Do you have some time to spare on the WCPSS workday? Kids won't be at school, but there will be members of the communities visiting our school on Tuesday, November 7th. The PTA is looking for volunteers to sell Krispy Kreme donuts and coffee! No prep work needed, just sign up for a spot and show up.... we'll have everything ready to go! Bonus, you can bring your cute little Carver Cub with you!

If you're visiting Carver Tuesday, stop by the lobby to buy a donut, or a dozen! We'll be there from 8am-2pm, or unless sold out

*We are gearing up for our first Book Fair this school year.  The PTA is co-hosting a Scholastic Book Fair, December 11th - 15th.  Volunteers are needed for the event to be successful. Please click the link SignUpGenius to sign up for a day and time you are available to assist with our Fall Book Fair. Thank you in advance for your support! 

*Follow and Like our Carver PTA Facebook Page at:

If you have questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact a school administrator by calling the school (919) 365 - 2680 or sending an email to Ms. Wenitra Merritt, Principal and/or Mrs. Ashley Crouse, Assistant Principal

Thank you, 

Wenitra Merritt, Proud CES Principal