Hodge Road Spanish Dual Language Immersion Elementary School
Allyn Arrowood
Magnet Coordinator919-266-8599 Extension 21535The Language Immersion programs offer students an opportunity to develop English acquisition as well as a second language Spanish development. The standard curriculum is utilized throughout all of the language immersion programs. Students, however, take their literacy, math, social studies and science classes in a second language. While students are together for their immersion experience, they have the opportunity to participate in globally focused specials, taught in English, during other parts of the day. An intercultural focus is integrated into all classes.Hodge Road is the only elementary school in Wake County that offers a Spanish Dual Language Immersion program. We are in our 7th year of operation and currently have 12 immersion classes: two in each grade level. Parents are able to apply for their child to be a part of this program during the Magnet application period in October to January for magnet students and October - May for base students.