Holly Ridge Elementary School is proud of our military families, and we seek to provide recognition of, and services to, our community active-duty members and veterans' families.
Students with actively deployed family members often face even more unique challenges and may need access to additional resources. We have compiled a list of online resources and tools to help families of active duty and veteran service members.
The Holly Ridge Elementary School's contact person is Ms. Kristin Kraase. She is ready to help meet the needs of our military families. Also, the following online resources may be valuable to our students in military families.
Ms. Kristin Kraase can be reached at kkraase@wcpss.net or by calling 919-577-1300.
Online Resources for Our Military Families:
Program Title
Web Link
Military OneSource
From the Department of Defense, Military OneSource is your 24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help. When MilLife happens, it’s your “first line of support.”
Operation Purple® Camp
“Operation Purple Camp” offers military kids a free week of camp where they connect with other kids, just like them. Children from all uniformed services, including the National Guard, Reserve, Space Force, and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and United States Public Health Service may apply.
Military Tutor
Military tutor for military families. Online, no-cost tutoring and homework help.
Children of Fallen Patriots
College scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty.
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)
The mission of MCEC is to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission
The Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
American Red Cross
Emergency communication for military families, financial assistance, referral services, deployment support and services.
Veteran Crisis Line
It connects veterans in a crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs Responders through confidential toll-free hot-line, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
Online study materials to help improve scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, college entrance exams, military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others. Content includes self-paced study programs in Math, English and Science, with a focus on materials for grades 8-12.
National Military Family Association
Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.
Our Military Kids
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to provide support (grants) and recognition to military children. Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.
Real Warriors
A multimedia public awareness campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds.
Military Impacted Schools Association
A national organization of school superintendents with a higher concentration of military students. Provides useful links for military families and educational resources.
School Quest - a free online tool for military family students that allows them to prep for frequent moves and stressors unique to military life in this single virtual hub! https://militarychild.org/programs-and-initiatives/schoolquest/
Transition Resources for our Military Families:
Inbound Checklist for new HRES Families
Access and Complete WCPSS Registration Packet(create a login at WCPSS Enrollment page (https://www.wcpss.net/Page/33753) to complete enrollment online)
Proof of Residency
- A gas, water, or electric bill that is no more than 30 days old in the name of the parent or guardian
- A signed lease that is no more than 60 days old that has been signed by the parent or guardian and leasing company
Birth Certificate
Immunization Record
- NC Health Assessment completed by a doctor or physician
- If coming from out of state, you need to complete a disciplinary form and have it notarized
Prior School Information
- Most Recent Report Card
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP) if applicable
- 504 Accommodation Plan (if applicable)
- Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Plan if applicable
If your family is connected to the military, please be sure to complete the appropriate Military Questionnaire form when you visit the school to complete the application process.
Custody Papers (If applicable)
Outbound Checklist for Families Leaving HRES
Notify HRES that your child will be leaving within 2 weeks of deployment (when possible)
Contact the housing office at the gaining installation to determine the waiting period for on-base quarters. This may determine the school your child will attend.
Once you have enrolled your student to their new school, have that school contact HRES data manager (Ms. Teresa Gomez, tgomez@wcpss.net) to initiate the records transfer
If you are moving overseas, please contact Ms. Teresa Gomez (tgomez@wcpss.net) to coordinate the record transfer
Contact your Family Readiness Center, Relocation Program, for information on your gaining installation and surrounding communities. Visit Military One Source to obtain a Military Installation Guide
Visit the web page for both the state’s Department of Public Instruction and the local County/District School system. If going overseas, visit the DODEA homepage
Check the new school calendar for starting and ending dates
If you have a child of high school age, be sure to contact your School Liaison Officer. School District Military Liaison Counselors | NC DPI
(WCPSS HS grading system for reference to determine transferring grades if transferring outside of NC) Be familiar with the present school’s grading system and weighted grades. This may affect your child’s class standing/grade point average (GPA)
Hand-carry all recommended school records. (Do not put these records in your household goods)
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission
Interstate Compact LawThe Interstate Compact Law on Educational Opportunity for Military Children addresses the needs of transitioning military families. Its goal is to ensure uniform treatment of military children when moving between states and school districts. Participation in the compact is voluntary; however, all 50 states currently participate. North Carolina's General Statutes on the compact can be viewed here.What does the compact address?-
Enrollment - Educational records, immunizations, Kindergarten entrance age and deployment related absences
Eligibility - Special education services and extracurricular activities
Placement - Program and course placement
Graduation -Waving requirements if similar coursework has been completed and flexibility in accepting state end of course exams
Who is eligible for assistance under the compact?Children of:-
Active duty service members or National Guard and Reserve members on active duty orders
Veterans or members who are medically discharged or retired for one year
Service members who lose their life while on active duty
Who is not eligible for assistance under the compact?
Children of:-
Inactive members of National Guard and Reserves
Veterans and retired members (unless specified above)
Department of Defense personnel, federal agency civilians and contract employees not defined as active duty