HES HERO 12.20.2024: Winter Break
HES HERO 12.20.24
At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. ALL students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.
Upcoming Dates
Dec 20 Quarter 2 Ends (Tr 3 & 4)
Track Out Day (Tr 4)
Spirit Day - Wear Cozy Winter or Holiday Pajamas
Dec 23-Jan 3 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break - HES Building Closed
Jan 6 Tr 1 Returns from Track Out
Tr 3 Returns from Winter Break
Jan 13 Tr 1 & 3 Quarter 2 Report Cards Sent Home
Jan 16 Tr 1 & 3 Jan/Feb Birthday Lunch
Jan 20 NO SCHOOL - MLK Holiday
Jan 23 PTA Spirit Night at Galaxy Fun Park 5pm-7pm
What a wonderful Tracks 3 & 4 Holiday Program last night to round out our performances! Congratulations to all of our performers and Mrs. Bailey on a job well done!
Track 4 families who are tracking out today, please enjoy the winter break and track out; Track 1& 3 families, have a wonderful winter break - we look forward to seeing you back in the New Year on January 6th. We hope this season brings you joy!
The building will be closed until January 6th so that our staff can enjoy the break as well!
PTA News
We look forward to seeing everyone in January!
Mark your calendars for our next PTA Spirit Night on January 23rd from 5pm-7pm at Galaxy Fun Park. Check-in and play begins anytime after 4pm with 15% of the admissions and concessions going back to HES!