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12.6.2024: Lunch Visits, Bday Invites, Student Support

HES HERO 12.6.24


At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. ALL students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.


Upcoming Dates

Dec 6          Quarter 2 Ends (Tr 1)

                   Track Out Day (Tr 1)

      WF Christmas Tree Lighting Performance - 5th Graders @ 6:40pm

Dec 10        PTA Meeting 6pm - Media Center and Virtual

Dec 12        Tr 3 & 4 Nov & Dec Birthday Lunch

Dec 19        Holiday Program (Tr 3 & 4) 6:30pm 

Dec 20        Quarter 2 Ends (Tr 3 & 4)

                   Track Out Day (Tr 4)

      Spirit Day - Wear Cozy Winter or Holiday Pajamas

Dec 23-Jan 3  NO SCHOOL - Winter Break

Jan 6          Tr 1 Returns from Track Out

                   Tr 3 Returns from Winter Break

Jan 13        Tr 1 & 3 Quarter 2 Report Cards Sent Home

Jan 16        Tr 1 & 3 Jan/Feb Birthday Lunch


Our first Holiday program last night was a great treat for all! Congratulations to all of our performers and Mrs. Bailey on a job well done! A huge thank you to all of the families who supported our staff celebration this week and donated to our HOME ALONE theme. It was a fun week for our staff and your generosity is greatly appreciated!


For our Track 1 families who are tracking out today, please enjoy the winter break - we look forward to seeing you back in the New Year on January 6th. We hope this season brings you joy!


Lunch Visits in the Cafeteria

As a reminder from our student handbook, when visiting your student for lunch, you must sit at the back table with your student only. While visiting campus, please refrain from taking any photos of students other than your own as we must protect the confidentiality of all of our students. 

For school sponsored birthday lunches, parents are invited to sit with their student at their class table.


Birthday Invitations

One more reminder from our student handbook - Please refrain from distributing invitations of any kind at school.


Friday, December 20th - Spirit Day

Wear Cozy Winter or Holiday Pajamas to show your school spirit!


Student Support

If you or your family/student are in need of any Medical or Behavioral Health Crisis support, please see the below for fliers of listed resources shared by our School Based Student Support Team.

School Based Medical and Behavioral Health Crisis Resources (English) & (Spanish)


PTA News

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has helped volunteer and donate this month! We had a wonderful week with the Holiday Gift Shop, gift wrapping for teachers was much appreciated and the bake off looks delicious in the lounge today!


Don’t forget about our PTA Meeting next Tuesday, December 10th in the Media Center or Virtually at 6pm. PTA Meeting Link


December Newsletter