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11.8.2024: Carpool All Tracks In, Veterans Day

HES HERO 11.8.24


At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. ALL students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.


Upcoming Dates

Nov 11        NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

Nov 12        Tr 3 Returns - ALL Tracks In

Nov 18         Quarter 2 Interims (Tr 3 & 4)

Nov 19        Fall Picture Make-ups (All Tracks)

                   Culver’s Math Spirit Night 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Nov 27-29   NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

Dec 5          Holiday Program (Tr 1) 6:30pm

Dec 6          Quarter 2 Ends (Tr 1)

                   Track Out Day (Tr 1)

Dec 10        PTA Meeting 6pm - Media Center

Dec 12        Tr 3 & 4 Nov & Dec Birthday Lunch

Dec 19        Holiday Program (Tr 3 & 4) 6:30pm 

Dec 20        Quarter 2 Ends (Tr 3 & 4)

                   Track Out Day (Tr 4)

Dec 23-Jan 3  NO SCHOOL - Winter Break

Jan 6          Tr 1 Returns from Track Out

                  Tr 3 Returns from Winter Break


We would like to take this opportunity to honor and thank the many veterans who are part of our HES community and WCPSS for your service to our country. All WCPSS campuses are closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.



With all tracks in, we will see an increase in carpool traffic! We encourage you to carpool with neighbors and friends whenever possible to minimize the number of cars on campus. YOU MUST have carpool tags for all students you are picking up.


In the morning, please plan to come EARLY.  As a reminder, we do close the gate at 8:25am and students will then need to check in at the front office after this time. If we make the decision to split traffic, we will do so when another staff member comes to direct traffic. DO NOT begin exiting students at the front of the building from cars unattended without a staff member present.


Please be sure to pull all the way up in the carpool line to keep the line flowing.


If you are in the lane that backs up to the back of the middle school parking lot where buses go, please leave a space in the line so that buses can get through. When buses can’t get through that backs us up.


Thank you for your help in keeping the carpool line moving quickly and safely!


Veterans Day

This Veterans Day, we would like to thank those who have served and who are currently serving our country. Students and staff would like to show them that we are grateful for their service.   Please send in a photo and/or name of the special veteran or current service member in your family to be displayed on our bulletin board. Please submit your photos to your child's teacher.    Please remember to include your child's name on the back of the photo if you would like it to be returned. Please send an email to if you have any questions. Thank you!


PTA News


Don’t miss the November update—it’s packed with exciting info on upcoming events and holiday fun! Plus, there are clickable links for easy ways to get involved in making December extra special for our kids.  PTA UPDATES FOR NOVEMBER

Thanks for being such an amazing part of our school community!