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HES HERO 7.19.2024 - Open House, Student Check Outs, Educational Absences, YMCA After Care

HES HERO 7.19.24


At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. ALL students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.


Upcoming Dates

July 25     Tr 1 & 3 Birthday Lunch

     General PTA Meeting 5pm in the Gym

     Open House Tr 1 & 3 5:30pm-6:30pm (classroom sessions at 5:30 & 6pm)

July 26      Track out for Track 3

July 29      First Day for Track 4 students/Kindergarten Staggered Entry

August 5   All Track 4 Kindergarteners Attend

                 Tissues & Tea for Tr 4 Kindergarten Parents/Guardians in Media Center 8:30am

    Quarter 1 Interims (Track 1)

August 8   Tr 4 July/August Birthday Lunch 

August 12  GO PLAY SAVE PTA Fundraiser Begins

August 15  General PTA Meeting 5pm in the Gym

                  Open House for Tr 4 5:30pm-6:30pm  (classroom sessions at 5:30 & 6pm)

August 26-30  Book Fair

August 27  HES Cultural Arts Night 5:00 - 7pm


We have had a wonderful start to the school year with Tracks 1 and 3 and have loved having all of our new Kindergarten students here for a full week this week! We look forward to welcoming Track 4 back on July 29th. Our theme for this year is “Lights, Camera, Learn” and there will be many amazing things to spotlight within our classrooms and throughout the school this year!


Have you visited and followed the PTA Facebook Page? Updates and announcements are being made almost daily and it is a great way to stay connected and to be involved in our school community - check it out and JOIN the PTA today!


Open House - Tracks 1 & 3

We look forward to seeing parents/guardians at Open House for Tracks 1 & 3 on Thursday, July 25th. There will be a General PTA Meeting in the Gym beginning at 5pm and Open House will follow starting at 5:30pm. Two sessions will be held from 5:30-5:55pm and 6:00-6:25pm. If you are unable to attend, teachers will send out a copy of their slides with information.


Student Check Out

As a reminder, a photo ID is required when checking out a student. This is for safety reasons! Students will not be checked out from the office between 2:30pm-3:15pm. Please plan ahead and check your child out prior to this time if they have an appointment or please enter the carpool line. It is the expectation that all students are picked up by 3:15pm each day.


Educational Absence Requests

If you request an “educational absence,” you must complete the Wake County Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons, form and return it to the office for principal review two weeks prior to the absence. The following information should be included on the form:  the nature of the absence, location, and dates, and a connection to your child’s curriculum. The principal will review this form and approve those that follow Wake County’s guidelines for “educational  absences.” Please note that a planned trip must have an educational intent from the beginning, correlate with the  curriculum and be an extension of the classroom curriculum activities. Trips to Disney World, ski trips, cheerleading camps, etc. are not considered excused educational absences.


The form to request an educational absence can be found HERE. These forms can be turned into the front office.


YMCA After School Care

Does your child need an after school care program?



Member (per year) $2,346 (5-day) $73.80 Participant (per year) $2,934 (5-day) $92.25

*Financial Assistance is available. 

*Registration for 3 or 4 days/week is also available with prorated cost. 

Questions - Contact:


PTA News

Check out the PTA Newsletter at:


This year will be fully packed with exciting PTA events, all centered around our thrilling theme..."Lights, Camera, Learn.”  First up, dive into the pages of your favorite story with the Lights, Camera, READ Book Fair.  Then get your little pumpkins ready for our Lights, Camera, FALL Extravaganza.  This is a great chance for the entire family to explore the pumpkin patch, participate in crafts and hang out with friends.  Later in the year get on your dancing shoes for our Lights, Camera, DANCE event.  Bring the whole family for an evening of music, dancing and special memories.  We are excited for the fun year ahead, so stay tuned for dates and more information!


Changes to Birthday Lunch -  When you are visiting for a birthday lunch please be sure to sign in and out via the computer system in the school lobby.  Please be sure to coordinate with your teacher when bringing in treats for birthdays on a different day than birthday lunch and to ensure a smooth dismissal, parents will be asked to leave the cafeteria before students are dismissed.  


If you'd like to stay informed visit AND please like Heritage Elementary School PTA on Facebook or follow us on Instagram @HESPTANC.  Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2024-2025 school year! Your membership dues alone help support our school.