HES HERO 5.31.2024
HES HERO 5.31.2024
At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. Students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.
Upcoming Dates
May 31 May Bday Lunch (Tr 3); June Bday Lunch (Tr 1)
June 3 Last Day Tr 1
5th Grade Clap Out Tr 1 - 1:45pm
June 4 Kindergarten Orientation 6:00-7:00pm
June 7 June Bday Lunch Tr 3 & 4
June 12 3rd Grade ELA EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 13 3rd Grade Math EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 14 5th Grade Science EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 17 4th Grade ELA EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 18 4th Grade Math EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 19 No School - Teacher Workday
June 20 5th Grade ELA EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 21 5th Grade Math EOG Tr 3 & 4
June 25 Meet the Teacher for Rising 1st - 5th (Tr 3 & 4) 4:30-5:30pm
June 26 Last Day Tr 3 & 4
5th Grade Clap Out Tr 3 & 4 - 1:45pm
End of the Year
Wow! It is hard to believe we are closing out the school year. Track 1 is wrapping up on Monday, June 3rd and Tracks 3 & 4 have a few more weeks left! It has been a great year with students working hard to learn many new skills and show HERO Expectations.
As a reminder, please do not allow your student to exit the car in the morning until staff have arrived to receive students. All students should remain inside of cars and not hang out of windows or sunroofs in order to maintain safety as cars are moving through the carpool line.
Additionally - please keep your CARPOOL TAGS for the upcoming school year. If you need a replacement tag, they can be purchased for $5 in the front office.
Summer meals
Children 18 years old and younger can receive free meals this summer through the Summer Food Program with Wake County and the USDA. Sites are available throughout Wake County and no registration or sign up is required! Visit wake.gov/summerfood
PTA News:
DAIRY DEPOT SPIRIT NIGHT - Come out and support HES at Dairy Depot on June 3rd from 2pm-9pm. Make sure to mention HES when placing your order!
BIRTHDAY LUNCH - June birthday lunch will be on June 7th for tracks 3&4.
If you'd like to stay informed please like Heritage Elementary School PTA on Facebook or follow us on Instagram HESPTANC. Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2024-2025 school year! Your membership dues alone help support our school.