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HES HERO 4.5.2024

HES HERO 4.5.2024


At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. Students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.


Upcoming Dates

April 5             Report Cards (Tr 1&3)

April 12           April Bday Lunch (Tr 1&3)

April 17           Class Picture Day (Tr 1&3)

April 19           Last Day Tr 3

April 20           HES PTA Grounds Day 8am-12pm

April 22           Track 4 Returns

April 26           Report Cards (Tr 4)

April Bday Lunch (Tr 4)

May 2             Class Picture Day (Tr 4)

May 14           Tr 3 Returns

           Field Day Tr 4 & Tr 3 Meduri, Anderson, Tussey, McKoy

May 17           Fun Run


We are still in need of volunteers for President and Vice President for the HES PTA! We hope you’ll consider these positions so that our amazing PTA can continue all of the great work they do for our entire school community! HES Parent Volunteer Form 2024-25 (


Solar Eclipse

The 2024 Great North American Eclipse will happen on Monday, April 8, 2024. In North Carolina, the partial eclipse will begin around 1:58pm and peak at approximately 3:15pm when the moon obscures about 82% of the sun.  Wake County Public School student and employee safety is of the utmost importance during this experience.  As such, it is important to recognize that it is never safe to look directly at the sun’s rays, even when the sun is partially obscured. 

Please be mindful of the eclipse as you are driving through the carpool line during dismissal.  We will be sharing safety information with our students; please take some time to reiterate this information at home as well.


Yearbook Orders - Deadline Extended

The PTA has extended the date for Yearbook orders until April 8th.  The code is YB28076.  The cost is $20.00.  Visit:


Better World Day - Red Cross Supply Collection

The fifth graders are collecting emergency supplies for the Red Cross for our Better World Day service project. Items suggested: new socks, first aid kit items, nonperishable items, batteries, flashlights, toiletries, etc. We are collecting all items on May 3rd during morning carpool.  The Carpool Casanova will help us collect our items to make it a fun event! 🙂 If students have items that they want to turn in ahead of time or if they ride the bus, they can bring their items to the collection boxes in the cafeteria or the front lobby. Thank you in advance for your support!


PTA News:


Join the HES PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) for the 2024/2025 school year and become an active member in your child’s education and school experience. The HES PTA plays a crucial role in supporting our school, teachers and students. We have both board and non-board positions open for the upcoming school year. Openings include President and Vice President. We understand that more specifics may be needed as you contemplate your decision to this commitment and encourage you to reach out to with any questions that you might have. Click the link below to view available positions! HES Parent Volunteer Form 2024-25 (

We want the outside of HES to reflect what a wonderful school community lies inside, so we're hosting a clean up day and need your help! The front of the school property is in need of some good old fashioned yard work and we're in need of volunteers to make that happen!

The more folks that help, the faster we'll get done! Each slot notes what tools/items are needed. If you are able to bring these items from home, it would be greatly appreciated. If you don’t have something, but want to help, just note it on the sign up. In addition, if you are only able to stay for a portion of the time, please note the time period you can help when you sign up.

April 12th – Tracks 1&3
April 26th – Track 4

If you'd like to stay informed please like Heritage Elementary School PTA on Facebook or follow us on Instagram HESPTANC

Visit Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2023-2024 school year! Your membership dues alone help support our school.