HES HERO 3.8.2024
HES HERO 3.8.2024
At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. Students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.
Upcoming Dates
Mar 8 End of Quarter 3 (Tr 1)
Sprinkle of Kindness PTA Family Dance 6-8pm
Last Day Tr. 1
Mar 21 Spring Concert/PTA Meeting (Tr 3) 6:00pm
Mar 27 Field Day Tr 4 & Tr 3 Meduri, Anderson, Tussey, McKoy
Mar 28 End of Quarter 3 (Tr 3 & 4)
Last Day Tr. 4
Mar 29 No School
April 1 Field Day Tr 1 & Tr 3 Poulsen, Smith, Behnke, Ellenberger
Congratulations to our Odyssey of the Mind teams for a job well done last weekend. They worked incredibly hard to prepare and showed strong teamwork skills. We are so proud of all of our teams for their participation. 2 of our teams placed high enough to attend the state competition and we wish them the best of luck!
Thank you to everyone who attended our first Spring Performance of the month. A lot of practice went into the evening and we continue to be impressed by the musical abilities of our students under the direction of Mrs. Bailey. We hope to see you at our next performance on March 21st.
We hope you will join us at the family dance this evening! A special thanks to our wonderful PTA and the many parent and staff volunteers who have helped to make this event possible. It is sure to be a fun night for all!
Student Belongings
Please help your child be proactive in keeping up with their belongings such as coats, sweatshirts, water bottles, and lunch boxes by labeling items with their first and last name. We often have many unclaimed items in the lost and found and we would like to help students have items returned to them if they are misplaced.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Enrollment is open for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year for students who will be 5 years old by August 31, 2024. If you have a rising Kindergartener please begin the enrollment process by visiting our website at https://www.wcpss.net/domain/11634. If you have friends that live in our base, please encourage them to begin the process as well! If you have questions regarding this process, please contact our data manager, Mary Canny at mcanny@wcpss.net. Early enrollment will help us to plan for next year!
PTA News:
"Sprinkle with Kindness" Family Dance: It's here! The HES Sprinkle with Kindness Family Dance is tonight (March 8th) from 6:00-8:00PM. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Family Dance Auction: Through the silent auction we have already raised $4,500, which is 90% of our goal. THANK YOU! We have all sorts of great offerings to bid on including our grade level themed baskets and a 50/50 raffle! Raffle tickets are 1 for $1, 3 for $2, 7 for $5 and 20 for $15. Click on the link below to place your bids, buy now, or make a general donation to support HES PTA. Raised funds will go directly towards the purchase of picnic tables, as well as other important outdoor renovations! This multi-phase project began last year when we added the 42 ft shade structure next to our field. We hope to finish this year by purchasing tables to be used for outdoor instruction, snack time, and a place to cool off during hot days!
Please use the link below to check out these great offers while supporting our students:
PTA General Membership Meeting: Join us for our general membership meeting on March 21st at 6 pm (before the spring concert).
Yearbook: We are always looking for candid photos for our 2023-2024 yearbook! Photos must be submitted by March 22nd. This can include photos from school events, classroom activities, field trips, spirit nights, etc. Please submit photos HERE
Staff Goody Day: March 27th will be our next staff goody day. Stay tuned for ways to help make our "Thanks for being so Wonderful" popcorn bar (track 4) a success!
HES Spirit Night: In March we are hosting a spirit night at Brixx Pizza. More info to come home in Monday folders.
April 4th will be our McTeacher spirit night at the McDonald's in Heritage Station. Please stay tuned for more details.
If you'd like to stay informed please like Heritage Elementary School PTA on Facebook or follow us on Instagram HESPTANC
Visit Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2023-2024 school year! Your membership dues alone help support our school.