HES HERO 11.3.2023
HES HERO 11.3.2023
At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. Students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.
Upcoming Dates
Nov 7 Teacher Workday - No School for Students
Nov 10 Vacation Day - No School
Nov 13 Tr 3 Returns
Nov 14 PTA Spirit Night - Marcos Pizza
Nov 15 Picture Make-ups
Nov 17 November Bday Lunch (All Tracks)
Nov 22-24 Holiday - No School
Nov 27- Dec 1 HES Holiday Gift Shop
Nov 30 HERO Awards (Tr 1)
PTA Meeting & Holiday Chorus Program (Tr 1) 6:15pm
Dec 1 Dec Bday Lunch (All Tracks)
Tr 1 Last Day
Dec 7 Holiday Chorus Program (Tr 3 & 4) 6:30pm
Dec 20 HERO Awards (Tr 3 & 4)
Dec 22 No School - Winter Break
Happy November! Just a reminder that we have some upcoming days off of school this month. Please check calendars to make sure you are aware of the days that there is no school for students. The PTA is in need of volunteers to support the Holiday Gift Shop at the end of the month. If you are able to sign up for a time slot, please click the link listed in the PTA news below. We appreciate your continued support of HES through donations, volunteering, and participation in events!
Bus updates
Unfortunately we have had several bus routes that have been uncovered recently and we have found that the information on the Here Comes the Bus App is not always accurate. It is suggested that families use the WCPSS transportation updates webpage for more accurate information. This page is refreshed every 15 minutes. You can access this page at https://www.wcpss.net/busupdates. Scroll down to “Heritage” under the elementary schools and check for updates there.
Fall Picture Make-Ups
Picture make-ups will be held on November 15th for any student who was absent or needs a retake. Make-ups will be held from 8:30am - 9:30am.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Enrollment is open for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year for students who will be 5 years old by August 31, 2024. If you have a rising Kindergartener, please begin the enrollment process by visiting our website at https://www.wcpss.net/domain/11634. If you have friends that live in our base, please encourage them to begin the process as well! If you have questions regarding this process, please contact our data manager, Mary Canny at mcanny@wcpss.net. Early enrollment will help us to begin to plan for next year!
School Tours
We look forward to hosting school tours for prospective families the first Wednesday of the month in January, February and March at 5pm. Families can register for a tour on our website or at https://bit.ly/HESTours2024
PTA News
The HES Students Against Hunger Food Drive will continue through December 1st. Each week we will be collecting different food items to donate to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.
11/6-11/10 is Wacky Snacky Week
11/13-11/21 is Keeping It Clean Week
11/27-12/1 is Lunch Favorites Week
A flier went home with your student with more details on items to donate. We also need volunteers to help empty boxes, organize/separate food, and take food to the food bank. If you are able to help, please sign up Student Against Hunger Food Drive
Mark your calendars! Our Holiday Gift Shop will be back again this year November 27th- December 1st. We will have a variety of items for children to shop for! More details, plus a link to item and price details are coming soon! If you are interested in helping with the Holiday Gift please sign up here: Holiday Gift Shop Volunteers
If you'd like to stay informed please like Heritage Elementary School PTA on Facebook or follow us on Instagram HESPTANC
Visit Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2023-2024 school year! All members must rejoin every year. We welcome and love volunteers, and we appreciate all those willing to take time out of their schedules to attend PTA meetings. However, joining the PTA does not mean you have to volunteer or attend meetings. Joining requires no time commitment. Your membership dues alone help support our school.