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HES HERO 10.6.2023


At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. Students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.


Upcoming Dates

Oct 6         October Bday Lunch (Tr 1&3)/Tr 1&3 Report Cards

Oct 9         National School Lunch Week

Oct 10         Culvers PTA Spirit Night 5:00 - 8:00pm

Oct 19         State Fair Themed Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Oct 20         HES Fall Festival 4:30pm - 7:00pm

        Tr 3 Last Day

Oct 23         Tr 4 Returns

Oct 26         October Bday Lunch (Tr 4)

Nov 7         Teacher Workday - No School for Students

Nov 10         Vacation Day - No School


We have had an exciting week at HES celebrating Farm to School Kickoff with CNS in the Cafeteria and Walk to School Day! Thank you to everyone who joined us in walking to school from Smith Creek Soccer Center. Our bus riders had a great time walking from the middle school and we enjoyed the celebration on the field as we “Got Out and Got Moving!” Additionally, we have been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with students reading and learning about cultural traditions and influences.  


The Fall Festival is around the corner on October 20th and we hope you will join us for fall fun, food and games!


Report Cards

Report Cards are being sent home for Tracks 1 & 3 today. Track 4 report cards will be sent home on October 27th. Please review the report card and sign and return the envelope indicating that you have received the report card.  Quarter 2 is a great time to set new goals for personal success and achievement.  We are proud of the work our students have been doing and know they will continue to work hard both academically and on demonstrating HES HERO Expectations.


Cafeteria Highlights

Next week is National School Lunch Week!  We hope your students will enjoy school bought lunch during the week.  Additionally, October 19th is a State Fair Themed Menu with funnel cake waffles being served for breakfast and corn dog nuggets and mozzarella sticks for lunch. 


Military Connected Families 

In an effort to ensure that the unique needs of military-connected students are met, state law requires that schools collect information on military-connected students. The goal is to help accommodate these students by providing them with support and consistency when their parents are deployed, when they are transitioning between schools, and at other pivotal times during their academic career.  

If you are a military-connected family, please:

  • Download this FORM

  • Complete one form for each of your children.

  • Return the form to Mary Canny at 

The deadline is Nov. 11. You may also print and return a hard copy of the form to HES if you prefer or contact the school if you need us to provide you with a hard copy to complete.


PTA News

Today is the last day to order Spirit Wear! Don't miss out! Orders close today and will be delivered in late October. You can shop HERE.


The HES Fall Into Fun Festival is just two weeks away. The festival will be on October 20th from 4:30-7:00. There will be inflatables, food, games, and so much more. As always, we need your help to make this event a success. We are in need of donations. If you are able to donate, please sign up here Fall Fest Donations


One of our favorite Spirit Nights is almost here. Culver's Spirit Night will be October 10th from 5:00-8:00pm! Our teachers and staff will be helping out and serving food. Stop in and say hi, eat a delicious meal, and support our school in the process.


Our next Staff Goody Days are October 17th for Tracks 1 & 3 and October 30th for Track 4. Please donate to help show our teachers how much we appreciate them. Track 1 & 3 Staff Goody Day

Track 4 Staff Goody Day


We are always looking for candid photos for our 2023-2024 yearbook! This can include photos from school events, classroom activities, field trips, spirit nights, etc. Please submit photos HERE


Visit Join the PTA to become a PTA member for the 2023-2024 school year! All members must rejoin every year. So even if you were a PTA member last year, you will still need to sign up again to become a member for the 2023-2024 school year. We welcome and love volunteers, and we appreciate all those willing to take time out of their schedules to attend PTA meetings. However, joining the PTA does not mean you have to volunteer or attend meetings. Joining requires no time commitment. Your membership dues alone help support our school.