Addendum to Ship Notes 02/03/2025
Scotts Ridge Families,
We missed some important and time sensitive PTA updates that are included immediately below. Spirit night at Dave and Buster's is tonight! We have also added the RSVP link for our special presentation on online safety for children with Assistant United States Attorney, Erin Blondel, on February 11th.
Thank you for your patience,
Principal Evans
Messages from Our PTA. . .
We NEED you!
PTA In-Person Meeting
SRE Needs Some Items!
2024-2025 Family Marathon Time!
Join us for the 2025 SRE Family Marathon!Spirit Night DAVE AND BUSTER'S!
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Second Spirit Rock (NEW) Class gift of the 2024 5th grade class!!!
Silent Auction 2024- 2025
We are busy collecting donations for our 2024-2025 silent auction, which will run from April 17-24th If you own a local business (or know someone who does), own a vacation rental, or have a contact at a local university athletic department that can assist with a donation, we would love to hear from you! All donations are tax deductible. Please send an email to !
Follow along with all upcoming events on our website and social media accounts:
Special Presentation for ALL Parents/Guardians On Online Safety with Assistant United States Attorney, Erin Blondel
February 11th at 6:00 PM
In addition to being an assistant United States attorney, Ms. Blondel is a Scotts Ridge parent. She has graciously agreed to speak with Scotts Ridge parents/guardians about how to keep our children safe online based on her experience prosecuting online sexual exploitation cases. One thing that we can all agree on as parents is the importance of keeping our children safe from online predators. However, not all of us feel that we have a good understanding of the dangers that exist online. Are we certain that we know who our child is communicating with on social media and/or in multi-player games? Are we able to hear what they hear and see what they see - or are they wearing headphones? Ms. Blondel has previously presented to law enforcement, medical professionals, social welfare professionals, NGOs, and college-aged students.
Parents/guardians are the ones making decisions about their children's access to technology at home, and this is a great opportunity for parents to stay informed. I would love to see a strong turnout for this presentation because children are spending an increasing amount of time online without the direct supervision of adult family members, and they are sometimes exposed to inappropriate conversation or material without adult family members knowing. I strongly suggest that you make arrangements for one or more parents/guardians to attend. If possible, you might want to arrange childcare so that both parents/guardians can attend and have a shared understanding. When our administration and representatives from the PTA met with Ms. Blondel, we all agreed that hearing what she has to say should not be missed. This evening is a joint invitation from the school and the Scotts Ridge PTA. Please RSVP here to give us a sense of how many people to expect. There will be an optional general PTA meeting immediately following the presentation, but you are welcome to leave after the presentation if you cannot stay.
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM (approximately two hours), followed by optional general PTA meeting open to all
Location: Scotts Ridge Elementary Library
Special Note: This presentation will reference the sexual exploitation of children. We understand that this topic could be disturbing or triggering for some members of our audience. No children, including teens, will be admitted under any circumstances.
Happy Groundhog Day!
(If you haven't seen the movie, it's a classic!)
School Counselor Week
This week, February 3-7, is National School Counselor Week! We are proud to say that we have two of the best school counselors around. Please join us in showing some extra appreciation this week to Mrs. Reilly and Mrs. Trueman!
Bus Driver Appreciation Week
Next week, February 10-14, is Bus Driver Appreciation Week! If you ride on a bus, please start thinking about some kind ways that you might recognize or thank your bus driver!
**Please note that, for all appreciation days, you do not have to buy something. Saying "thank you" or creating a handmade card both go a long way. Thank you for SAIL-ing in this way!
Spring Picture Day
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 is Spring Picture Day! Students will take both an individual and a class photo on that day. Please see the two links below for more information:
Upcoming Dates
02/03 - 02/07: National School Counselor Week
02/07: Sailor Fun Friday - Kind Is Cool Day
02/10 - 02/15: Bus Driver Appreciation Week
02/17: Teacher Workday - no school for students
02/17: National School Resource Officer Awareness Day
02/18: The 100th Day of School
02/19: Spring Pictures (full class)
Stay Connected
Staff Interviews on Morning Wave: Click here.
School Website:
School X/Twitter:
School Transportation Updates on X/Twitter:
PTA Website:
PTA Facebook:
PTA Twitter:
PTA Instagram: