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Ship Notes 01/26/2025


Report Cards

How is it that we are already at this school year’s halfway point? Report cards for the second quarter will go home on Tuesday, January 28.



2024-25 Annual Asbestos Notification

All WCPSS schools are required to send out this annual asbestos notification. No concerns have ever been found at Scotts Ridge. 



Notes from the PTA. . . 


2024-2025 Family Marathon Time!
Join us for the 2025 SRE Family Marathon!  Registration flyers went home this Friday 1/24.  
Families will run/walk 25 miles outside of school and then meet to celebrate and finish the last mile together at SRE on March 21, 2025.  To join in the fun, register at . Registration is $10 per family and includes a necklace and beads for participants to track completed miles, as well as a vinyl water bottle sticker for completing the marathon.  T-shirts are also available to purchase and wear on the final mile day.  Registration closes Friday 2/7, and shirts must be ordered by then as well.
Mark your calendars for our next Spirit Night at Dave and Buster's in Cary on February 3rd! From 5-8pm, Scotts Ridge will receive 20% of total sales, including food and non-alcoholic beverage sales. Flyers will be coming home on Friday, January 31st and must be shown at Dave and Buster’s in order for Scotts Ridge to get credit for purchases.
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks will be sold through a pre-sale again this year. The final purchase deadline is April 15; however, purchasing sooner, rather than later is helpful. Purchased yearbooks will be distributed in May 2025.
Keep an eye out for Strawbridge flyers sent home in Friday folders! Please note that while school portraits are through Lifetouch, yearbooks will still be purchased through Strawbridge. Yearbooks can be purchased online only at using the online code:  YB31508. 
Second Spirit Rock (NEW) Class Gift of the 2024 5th-Grade Class!!!
Thanks to our amazing 5th-grade class from last year and the very hard work of an amazing parent, we have a second Spirit Rock as the class gift. We also want to give a shoutout and big thank you to the rock company who donated the rock, RDU Rock Quarry! We also want to thank Forever Clean for being willing to haul the rock for us. The class gift money went to all things with the rock that wasn't donated. This is in the carpool lane near the front of the school. We have a new sign-up for that for the second half of the year! We are very excited. 
Silent Auction 2024- 2025
We are busy collecting donations for our 2024-2025 silent auction, which will run from April 17-24th  If you own a local business (or know someone who does), own a vacation rental, or have a contact at a local university athletic department that can assist with a donation, we would love to hear from you! All donations are tax deductible. Please send an email to !
Follow along with all upcoming events on our website and social media accounts:

Upcoming Dates

01/28: Report cards will be sent home

02/01: First day of Black History Month

02/03 - 02/07: National School Counselor Week

02/07: Sailor Fun Friday - Kind Is Cool Day (More details coming soon!)

02/10 - 02/15: Bus Driver Appreciation Week

02/17: Teacher Workday - no school for students

02/17: National School Resource Officer Awareness Day


Stay Connected

Staff Interviews on Morning Wave: Click here.  

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School X/Twitter:     

School Transportation Updates on X/Twitter:

PTA Website:

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