Ship Notes 10/27/2024
Book Fair and Donuts with Grownups
It was amazing how many people came out to support our book fair and enjoy some bonding time at our Donuts with Grownups events this past week! We love it when we have opportunities to bring families together at the school like this.
PTA Fundraising and Family Support
We would like to thank our incredible PTA and all families and friends who supported our recent Go Play Save coupon book fundraiser and our fall book fair. The PTA made $5,900 in profit from the coupon books, and had total sales of $20,511. While we do not yet have the actual profit from the book fair, we know that the profit from these two events will go a long way to supporting instruction for our students, including ensuring that we have an outstanding library collection.
After-School Chess Program
Families will soon have an opportunity to sign up for an after-school chess program that will meet on Tuesdays after school, starting on November 12th. While we are excited about this opportunity, this program will be run by an outside user group. Please check out next week's Ship Notes for more information on how to register and contact information for any questions.
Upcoming Dates
*October is Disability Awareness and History Month and National Physical Therapy Appreciation Month.
10/31: End of First Quarter
11/01: Teacher Workday (No school for students. . . )
11/05: Teacher Workday (No school for students. . . Election day!)
Stay Connected
Staff Interviews on Morning Wave: Click here.
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