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Ship Notes 05/13/2024

Thank You, Families!

On behalf of our entire staff, thank you to all parents and our PTA for your generosity and thoughtfulness during Teacher Appreciation Week. It was heartwarming to see the different ways that students made their teachers feel special. A special thank you for Mrs. Horton from our PTA for organizing all the festivities.

We also want to thank all the families who participated in the Walk, Bike, or Roll to School Day! 

All Field Day volunteer slots have been filled. Thank you for your support of our students and staff!


Please Complete Panorama Family Survey

So far we have received 238 responses to the Panorama Family Survey. We would really love to have input from every Scotts Ridge family. Friday is the last day to complete the survey.

Wake County Public Schools is administering a District Wide Family Survey from Monday, April 8 through Friday, May 17. This survey provides families the opportunity to provide valuable feedback, and it is a high-quality data source for school planning and School Improvement. Please help us by completing the survey online. A high response rate makes the data much more meaningful. The survey should take approximately 7 minutes to complete. 


Messages from our PTA. . . 


Rescheduled PTA Meeting

The final PTA meeting of the school year will be rescheduled to June 4th at 9:45am. The meeting will be held virtually. Please reach out to for meeting registration information.


Spirit Night @ Kilwin’s

Join us Tuesday May 21st at Kilwins Apex for SRE’s last spirit night of the year! Come get a sweet treat from 4-9, mention SRE, and the school will get a portion of the profits.

Fifth-Grade Sailing Up Slideshow

Please use the Google Form to submit a recent and baby photo of your sailor to be shown in the slideshow during the Sailing Up ceremony!

1st Day School Supplies

It may seem early to be thinking about school supplies, but before you know it, summer will be here! We're working with 1st Day School Supplies again to preorder name brand kits using the exact supply lists requested by SRE teachers. The kits are shipped directly to your home in August. A portion of the sales will go back to SRE to fund programs at school.  The SRE link is now open to order!

Upcoming Dates

05/16, 6:30-7:30 PM: First-Grade Musical

05/17: Field Day

05/17: Interim Progress Reports Sent Home

05/17: Last Day to Complete Panorama Family Survey

05/17: Speech Pathologist Day (Thank you, Ms. Bush!)

05/23, 6:30-7:30 PM: Spring Chorus Concert

05/27: Memorial Day (No school. . . )

05/30, 5:30-6:30 PM: Rising Kindergarten Orientation

05/30-06/12: EOG Testing Window (Please ensure that your child is at school on time each day and has no unexcused absences.)

06/11, 1:00-2:30 PM: Sailing Up Ceremony for Fifth-Grade Students (Save the date!)

06/12, 12:00-2:00 PM: Fifth-Grade Picnic

06/12: Last day of school! Report cards sent home (will not be sent home before last day).


May is . . . 

  • Better Speech and Hearing Month
  • Military Appreciation Month. . . Thank you to all those who have served and their families.
  • Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Month, and Jewish American Heritage Month


Meet the Staff! New Videos Available!

Mrs. Townsend and her talented student reporters on the Morning Wave student news program have completed more interviews of our staff members for your viewing pleasure. You can check out all the episodes here with more to come soon. 


Stay Connected

Staff Interviews on Morning Wave: Click here.  

School Website:

School X/Twitter:  

School Transportation Updates on X/Twitter:

PTA Website:

PTA Facebook:

PTA Twitter:

PTA Instragram: instagram.come/sreapexpta