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Ship Notes 04/08/2024

*Remember that Wednesday, April 10th is a teacher workday (no school for students).


Solar Eclipse

Thank you to all of our students, staff, and families for their cooperation and careful following of all directions to ensure that our viewing of the solar eclipse was exciting but safe.


Family Survey

Wake County Public Schools is administering a District Wide Family Survey from Monday, April 8 through Friday, May 17. This survey provides families the opportunity to provide valuable feedback, and it is a high-quality data source for school planning and School Improvement. Please help us by completing the survey online. A high response rate makes the data much more meaningful. The survey should take approximately 7 minutes to complete. 


Third-Grade Musical Performance 

Our rescheduled third-grade musical is coming up on April 16th from 6:30-7:15 PM. Thank you, Mrs. Weber, for leading this performance.


Fleet Week and Spring Fling 

We look forward to celebrating our annual Scotts Ridge Fleet Week, April 15-19 and Spring Fling, April 18. See the information below about Fleet Week Spirit Days:
Monday: Character Day: Dress like your favorite character or wear something that represents your favorite character. 
Tuesday: Tropical Day: Wear your favorite tropical prints or dress for the tropics (no bathing suits)
Wednesday: PAWS 4A Cause Day: Wear something that represents your favorite pet or animal and bring in items to be donated to a local animal shelter. The class that donates the most gets a prize! 
Thursday: Twin Day: Dress like your favorite SRE Sailor!
Friday: Reverse Day: Staff dress like students and students dress as your favorite career 


Notes from our PTA . . . 


Spring Fling

Save the date for this year’s Spring Fling on Thursday 4/18 from 5:30-7:30! Come join us for food trucks, inflatables, music, silent auction, and raffle baskets! 
Join us for dinner!
Bring a blanket or chairs and eat with us by preordering Large cheese, pepperoni, or GF crust pizzas from Domino’s to pick up at the event, or visit the Mr Cheesesteak, Will & Pop’s, or Pelican Snoballs food trucks! 
*Pizza preorders must be placed by 4/12 at Please be prepared that food truck lines can get long and orders end at 7pm.

Win a Raffle Basket!

Our classrooms have prepared amazing themed baskets that will be on display. Drop in your raffle tickets under the baskets for a chance to win! Winners will be chosen live at the event beginning at 6:45. Raffle tickets will be on sale until 6:15 at the Spring Fling event, in quantities of 1 for $1 or 25 for $20. Debit/credit can be used for purchases with a $20 minimum. Plan to give yourself time to fill out the student name/teacher/grade on each ticket (or your name and phone number if not a student).
You can preorder tickets at to avoid standing in line on the night of Spring Fling. Tickets can be ordered until 4/12 and will be sent home with students. Preordered tickets can be purchased as 5 for $5, 10 for $10, or 25 for $20. You do not need to be present at the Spring Fling event to win.
Every SRE student will receive 4 raffle tickets the week of 4/15. They will have a chance to view the baskets and use their tickets with their class in the Media Center during the day on 4/17 & 4/18. Students can bring any of their own preordered tickets to place under baskets in the Media Center from 8:45-9:10 on 4/17 & 4/18. Baskets will also be showcased on the SRE PTA social media accounts. 


Sailors and their families can enjoy music and playing on the 3-5 Playground and K-2 Playground at the event (but may not enter the Pre-K play area). There will be obstacle and Multi Sport Challenge inflatables on the 3-5 Playground.

Check out the Silent Auction!

This year's silent auction goes live on 4/8 and will run until 10pm on 4/18. There will be a table showcasing the great donations! Preview and bid on items online at
We’re still accepting items for the auction, so if you have a donation we would still love to hear from you! All donations are tax deductible. Please send an email to 
Please contact the PTA with any questions!

Previously shared information . . .

Single Subject Acceleration Information

If you are interested in learning more about Single Subject Acceleration (SSA), please click here. Single subject acceleration is taking either math or reading (English Language Arts) at the next grade level while continuing to work at the current grade level for all other subjects. There is a specific process to qualify that includes testing. If you have any questions after reading through the linked slide presentation, please contact our AIG teacher, Mrs. Costa, at


Safety Reminder

We have seen an increase in parents dropping off their children along Apex Barbecue Road - on both sides of the road. Students dropped off this way have sometimes demonstrated some unsafe behaviors. This is very dangerous, and we do not want to see any children get hurt. For students' safety, only students walking from home are allowed to walk to school. Thank you!

Upcoming Dates

04/10: Teacher Workday (no school for students)

04/15-04/19: Fleet Week

04/16, 6:30-7:15 PM: Third-Grade Musical (rescheduled date)

04/18, 5:30-7:30 PM: Spring Fling 

04/18, 6:00-7:00 PM: Apex Middle School Rising Sixth-Grade Open House

04/19: Report Cards Sent Home

04/22-04/26: Administrative Assistant Appreciation Week. We love our office staff!

04/29: Teacher Workday (no school for students)

05/03: Walk to School Day


April is . . .

  • Autism Awareness Month
  • School Library Month (Thank you, Mrs. Clark!)
  • Occupational Therapist Appreciation Month


Meet the Staff! New Videos Available!

Mrs. Townsend and her talented student reporters on the Morning Wave student news program have completed more interviews of our staff members for your viewing pleasure. You can check out all the episodes here with more to come soon. 


Stay Connected

Staff Interviews on Morning Wave: Click here.  

School Website:

School X/Twitter:  

School Transportation Updates on X/Twitter:

PTA Website:

PTA Facebook:

PTA Twitter:

PTA Instragram: instagram.come/sreapexpta