Mr. Hudson's Principal Message on Tuesday, January 21
Upcoming Events:
- January 23: 100th Day of School for Track 1
- January 28: PTA Spirit Day Crumbl Cookies - Park West Location - All Day
- January 29: Family Game Night!
- January 30: 100th Day of School for Track 2
- February 2-7: Artist in Residence - Picket Fence Project 4th Grade Track 4
- February 2-7: National School Counselor Week - We love the Shaw’s!
- February 10-14: National Bus Driver Appreciation Week
- February 19: 100th Day of School for Tracks 3 and 4!
AM Carpool Updates and Reminders
Here are a few reminders to help ensure a smooth start to our school day:
- Morning Entry: Students may enter the building starting at 8:45 AM. If your child walks to school, they should not arrive before 8:45 AM unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Supervision: If you arrive early, please keep your child with you at all times. The area in front of the main entrance is not designated for students to play with peers before the school day begins.
- No Dogs on Campus: For safety reasons, dogs are not allowed on school grounds. Please do not bring your dog(s) when walking your child to or from school.
- Carpool Procedures (New):
- If you arrive before 8:45 AM, the first six cars should pull forward and park in the designated spots near the colored cones in front of the building.
- The next car should stop at the orange cone by the mailbox.
- The area between the orange cone and the six colored cones must remain clear for emergency vehicles and deliveries unless directed by a Parkside staff member.
- No students arriving via carpool should be dropped off before 8:45 AM.
Our Next PTA Spirit Event is January 38 at Crumbl Cookies - Park West Location
Join us for our next PTA Spirit Event at Crumbl Cookies - Park West Location. Tell your friends and family to buy some delicious cookies at any time during the day. A percentage from all sales will be donated back to Parkside!
Family Game Night is January 29th!
Join us on January 29th from 6:00 to 7:30 for Family Game Night! All the fun will take place in the multipurpose room (gym and cafeteria). There will be prizes and concessions available for cash sale only. We hope to see you there!
Kids Heart Challenge
The Kids Heart Challenge is officially underway, and we invite you to join us in shaping the next generation of lifesavers while continuing the fight against heart disease and stroke!
Here is how you can participate and make a difference.
Join the FUN! Help your classroom earn Amazon Gift Cards by participating in the Kids Heart Challenge.
- Download the AHA Schools APP for Apple or Android or Click Here, next click register, then scroll down to join your school’s team.
- Spread the Word: Text or Email 10 friends and family, asking for their support in making donations.
- Complete Finn’s Mission: Learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR and how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T.
If at least 50% of a classes students sign up and three students complete the mission, that class will earn two Amazon gift cards for classroom needs! We are anxious to see which class has the most students signed up and completing Finn’s Mission.
The classes currently leading the way:
K- Cofield
1st- Daley
2nd- Bray
3rd- Tie between Huffman and Ware
4th- Tie Between Alston and Brooks
5th- Moore
After School Soccer Academy - Coming Soon
We will be partnering with the Carolina Soccer Factory this spring to offer our students CSF School Academy. For more information, and to register, click here.
Calling all 5th grade parents!
Want to celebrate your child's accomplishments and make them feel extra special this year? Purchase a personalized yearbook ad to honor your student! Whether it's a heartfelt message, a favorite photo, or a shout out for all their hard work—this is a great way to create a lasting memory. Visit our store to choose and purchase your ad size. Submit your message and photo to by 2/14.
Also don't forget our yearbook cover contest is going on until 2/14 as well - have your 5th grader design the cover and submit the artwork to our yearbook email or turn into your teacher. The winner will get a free yearbook!
District 7 Board Advisory Meeting at Sycamore Creek
Sycamore Creek is hosting the next BAC Meeting on Thursday, January 30, from 6:00-7:30 PM in the media center. WCPSS Superintendent, Dr. Robert P. Taylor, will present an update on WCPSS heading into the new year. Chris Heagarty, the District 7 School Board Member will also share board updates. All members of our school community are invited. Please RSVP at
Annual Asbestos Notification: Please read the linked letter as part of the required annual asbestos notification.
2024-25 Annual Asbestos Notification
2024-25 Annual Asbestos Notification (Spanish)
Kindergarten Registration for the 25-26 School Year is Now Open
Register your rising kindergartener here: Please be sure to choose the correct year.
After you complete the online enrollment, you will hear from our Data Manager, Kelly Cox Jones, with the next steps.
Spirit Rock
This school year the PTA is offering families the opportunity to paint our Spirit Rock! For $25 you can paint a birthday message to your child, congratulations on an achievement, good luck on a sporting event - anything you can think of. Payment is due at time of reservation. Please see our website for more info and let us know if you have any questions!
Important Links to Access Easily