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MAGICAL MOMENTS: Woods Creek Bulletin May 7, 2024

Charter PTA Meeting

NEW DATE =  Tuesday, May 21th

Woods Creek Elementary Media Center



The Wake PTA will be facilitating the charter meeting of our PTA.  We will be voting on PTA leadership positions.  We will also be approving the by laws under the umbrella of the NC PTA. At the end of this meeting, we will have a PTA!   The nominating committee of Woods Creek PTA presents the following slate of officers for election:


President: Lacey Armstrong

Vice President: Ellyn Leighton-Herrmann Quinn

Secretary: Steven Kooistra

Treasurer: Akanksha Mehta


Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Lauren Patterson, Nominating Committee Chair

Teresa Jones, President of Wake PTA Council

Kindergarten Families

All Woods Creek Kindergarten Families will receive a separate communication next week through email and text.  This communication will share information around all the information needed to be ready for a successful start to the school year, as well as more information around staggered entry.

Before/After School

YMCA members can register now and Program Participants (non-Y members) can register on May 15.

The Kraft Family YMCA is excited to offer Before and After School programs on-site at Woods Creek Elementary school.  The school programs include a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, active games, plenty of outside time, character development, and positive role models. 

Track Assignments

If you are unsatisfied with your child's track assignment, please contact our data manager Mrs. Eichvalds at    We review the wait list weekly as there may be opportunities to shift tracks as registration continues.   We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding around this difficult process.

School Calendar


The 2024-2025 Multi-Track Year Round school calendar can be found at


Please direct all enrollment questions to your current school.  If you have a rising Kindergarten student, please direct questions to the school where you registered.  For any questions about transfers or assignment, please contact the WCPSS Office of Student Assignment. You can call them at (919) 431-7333 or visit their website at


Tuesday, May 21st @5:30 

PTA Charter Meeting - Media Center

Friday, May 24th

Supply Lists Posted on Website

Saturday, June 22nd 10AM-11AM

K-2 Playground Play Date

Sunday, June 23rd 3PM - 4PM

3-5 Playground Play Date

Wednesday, July 3rd  

11AM -12PM or 3PM-4PM

Meet the Teacher - Tracks 1/2/3

Monday, July 8th

First day of School - Tracks 1/2/3

Friday, July 26th 4:45 -6PM

Meet the Teacher - Track 4

Monday, July 29th 

First day of School - Track 4

Jonathan Hegedus, Principal

Woods Creek Elementary School