MAGICAL MOMENTS: Woods Creek Bulletin April 9, 2024
Track Assignments
Be on the lookout! Track assignments have been completed and are being mailed out from the WCPSS print shop this week. If you have not received your track assignment postcard by Friday, April 19th please call the school for help.
Please know that every effort has been made to provide families with their first choice in track assignment. Many factors contribute to the process including Middle School track assignments, siblings, and abiding by state legislated class size limits.
If you are unsatisfied with your child's track assignment, please contact our data manager Mrs. Eichvalds at She will be managing a wait list as there may be opportunities to shift tracks as registration continues. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding around this difficult process.
The Woods Creek Elementary PTA needs you!
PTA Nominating Committee
If you are interested in participating in the nomination committee for our inaugural slate of officers please email Mr. Hegedus at If serving on the nominating committee you can not be a PTA officer for the upcoming school year.
PTA Leadership
If you are interested in serving on the inaugural PTA board (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer) please complete the PTA interest form.
Charter PTA Meeting - Thursday, May 9th
Woods Creek Elementary Media Center
The Wake PTA will be facilitating the charter meeting of our PTA. We will be voting on PTA leadership positions. We will also be approving the by laws under the umbrella of the NC PTA. At the end of this meeting, we will have a PTA!
School Calendar
The 2024-2025 Multi-Track Year Round school calendar can be found at
Student Sessions
I will begin short meet and greets with students at Apex, Buckhorn, Holly Springs, Laurel Park, and Oakview starting next week. School staff and I are coordinating these events. I will be introducing myself, sharing information about Woods Creek, and taking some questions from students. If your child does not know they are attending Woods Creek Elementary, please tell them prior to my visit.
Please direct all enrollment questions to your current school. If you have a rising Kindergarten student, please direct questions to the school where you registered. For any questions about transfers or assignment, please contact the WCPSS Office of Student Assignment. You can call them at (919) 431-7333 or visit their website at
Before/After School
The Kraft Family YMCA is excited to offer Before and After School programs on-site at Woods Creek Elementary school. The school programs include a wide range of activities, including arts and crafts, active games, plenty of outside time, character development, and positive role models. Registration for Y Members will begin on May 1 and for all other Program Participants on May 15. Questions? Contact Katherine Vance, Kraft Associate of Youth Programs, at
Jonathan Hegedus, Principal
Woods Creek Elementary School