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Welcome to Apex Friendship Elementary School!


Thank you for your interest in one of Wake County School's newest learning communities!


I'm so honored to be the founding principal of this unique school community which opened in August 2022.  Incoming kindergarteners are able to remain on the same campus throughout their K-12 years.  As a former elementary school teacher and mentor to new teachers, I understand the conditions needed to foster an environment in which teachers can teach, students can learn, and parents are partners. After being a teacher at a new school and working with new teachers and a variety of principals, I was led towards the work of administration to help create this kind of environment for both adults and students. It is my goal for you, as parents, to feel as pleased and excited about Apex Friendship Elementary for your children as I am to be your principal. Let's join together to make Apex Friendship Elementary School the very best. 

We are dedicated to the social and emotional support of our students.  Given a nurturing, safe and secure learning environment, the dedicated staff of Apex Friendship Elementary can proceed with the primary function of our school – to help children learn.  An outstanding Apex Friendship Elementary staff will provide exciting, hands-on collaborative activities, based on the Common Core and Essential Standards and best practices of instruction.  Students will be held to high standards, both behaviorally and academically. Each child will be successful because of our strong partnership with our wonderful community.


I take my educational responsibility to the children of Apex Friendship Elementary School very seriously.  I pledge that I, along with our outstanding instructional staff, will provide an incredible experience for our students.  Let's reach for the stars, together!

Dr. Tanner