Attendance is an integral part of success in the WCPSS Virtual Academy. WCPSS Virtual Academy students are required to attend live class and complete their course work daily. Students will participate in approximately 6 hours of instruction a day which will include a combination of live, real-time instruction and/or completion of assignments. Of the 6 hours, a minimum of 3 hours of live instruction will be provided per day. Instructional time may increase beyond the baseline based on teacher discretion and grade level. Schools will establish the instructional schedule.
In alignment with WCPSS attendance policy code 4400, to be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half of the student school day. This will include attendance at official school activities at a place other than school with the approval of the principal. A student will be in their assigned area at the beginning of the school day and the beginning of each class or be recorded as tardy.
A student will be logged in, present, and responsive in their assigned virtual space at the beginning of the school day and the beginning of each class or be recorded as tardy. Not having a camera on, by itself, is not enough to mark a student absent. Teachers will consider any technical issues or reasonable interruptions that may occur.
In alignment with WCPSS attendance policy code 4400, if a student must miss school, a parent or guardian must communicate with the student’s teacher or attendance office within two days of the student’s return after an absence. Absences due to extended illnesses may also require a statement from a physician. Failure to communicate will result in the absence being coded unexcused.