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Important update for families

2:30 p.m.

Garner Magnet High School families,


First, I want to thank everyone for your calm and cooperation during today’s incident.


We are grateful for the quick response of WCPSS Security and the Garner Police Department, and we are especially grateful that no one was harmed.


Here is the information I can share about what occurred.


At about 11:30 a.m., we received a report that a student may have a firearm on campus.


We searched the student and found no weapon.


However, the student fled the building following the search. Our Student Resource Officer pursued the student, and we immediately contacted Garner Police.


At that time, about 11:45 a.m., we went into a Code Red lockdown. 


In a code red lockdown, the entire building is locked down. No one is allowed to enter or exit the building until an all-clear announcement is received from police. 


While police pursued the student, other students who were reported as possibly having a weapon were also searched, and no weapon was found.


Garner Police apprehended the student at about 12:15 p.m.


They conducted a thorough search of our campus, including with canines, and no weapons were found.


We went into a Code Yellow lockdown briefly at about 12:40 p.m. We went to Code Green at 12:48 p.m. and resumed normal school operations.


Please take this opportunity to remind your child that having a weapon on campus is a very serious offense and subject to disciplinary action. The student who led police in the chase will be disciplined in accordance with WCPSS policies in addition to any potential criminal charges.


We are proud of the manner in which our staff and students responded to the lockdown. We are also grateful to law enforcement and our security team for their swift response. We understand that lockdowns are stressful for students, staff and families, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation. Support is available for any student or staff member who needs additional assistance following this event


Additional information about our lockdown protocols is available on our Keeping Your Child Safe website. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office. 


Thank you for your continued support of our school.



Matthew Price, Principal



Estimadas Familias de la Escuela Secundaria Garner Magnet:


En primer lugar, quiero agradecerles a todos por su calma y cooperación durante el incidente de hoy.


Estamos agradecidos por la rápida respuesta del Departamento de Seguridad de WCPSS y el Departamento de Policía de Garner, y estamos especialmente agradecidos de que nadie haya resultado herido.


A continuación, la información que puedo compartir sobre lo ocurrido.


Aproximadamente a las 11:30 a. m., recibimos un informe de que un estudiante podría tener un arma de fuego en el recinto escolar.


Registramos al estudiante y no encontramos ningún arma.


Sin embargo, el estudiante huyó del edificio después de la búsqueda. Nuestro policía escolar persiguió al estudiante e inmediatamente nos comunicamos con el Departamento de Policía de Garner.


En ese momento, aproximadamente a las 11:45 a. m., entramos en un cierre de emergencia de código rojo.


En un cierre de emergencia de código rojo, todo el edificio está cerrado. Nadie puede entrar o salir del edificio hasta que se reciba un anuncio de parte de la policía de que todo está bien.


Mientras la policía perseguía al estudiante, también se registraron otros estudiantes que se informó que posiblemente tenían un arma, y ​​no se encontró ningún arma.


La Policía de Garner detuvo al estudiante alrededor de las 12:15 p. m.


Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en nuestro recinto ecolar, incluso con perros, y no se encontraron armas de fuego.


Entramos brevemente en un cierre the emergencia de Código Amarillo alrededor de las 12:40 p. m. Entramos al Código Verde a las 12:48 p. m. y reanudamos las operaciones escolares normales.


Por favor aprovechen esta oportunidad para recordarle a su estudiante que tener un arma en el recinto escolar es una infracción muy grave y está sujeto a medidas disciplinarias. El estudiante que encabezó la persecución escolar será disciplinado de acuerdo con las políticas de WCPSS, además de cualquier posible cargo penal.


Estamos orgullosos de la manera en que nuestro personal escolar y estudiantes respondieron al cierre. También estamos agradecidos con las autoridades del orden público y nuestro equipo de seguridad por su rápida respuesta. Entendemos que los cierres son estresantes para los estudiantes, el personal escolar y las familias, y agradecemos su paciencia y cooperación. Se ofrece apoyo para cualquier estudiante o miembro del personal que necesite asistencia adicional después de este evento.


Pueden encontrar información adicional sobre nuestros protocolos de cierre en nuestro sitio web Keeping Your Child Safe (Manteniendo seguro a su estudiante). Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, por favor llame a la oficina de la escuela.


Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra escuela.


12:49 p.m.

Garner Magnet High School families,


First, know that all students are safe.


The Code Red was lifted, and we returned to Code Green at about 12:45 p.m.


Thank you for your cooperation.


We will share more details in a message later this afternoon.


12:43 p.m.



Students are safe. Our school is currently in Code Yellow Lockdown. Schools enter a Code Yellow Lockdown if there is something that may be cause for concern to the school, but there is no imminent threat to the school. Please do not come to campus. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep our students and staff safe.


During a Code Yellow Lockdown, all students return to and remain inside the building. Activities inside the school continue as normal. 

We will share more information via email and our school website as soon as possible. In addition, more information about our lockdown protocols is available on the Keeping Your Child Safe website.


11:43 a.m.

Parents: All students are safe. Our school is under Code Red lockdown while law enforcement responds to a potential threat. 


No one is allowed on our campus during a Code Red lockdown. You will not be permitted near campus until the lock down is over. Please do not come to school to pick up your student. In a code red lockdown, the entire building is locked down. No one is allowed to enter or exit the building until an all-clear announcement is received from police. 


We will share updates via email and our school website as soon as possible.