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The Sunday Kickoff Message: Week of May 16th

Baucom Parents & Guardians,

This is Mrs. Huffman with the Sunday Kickoff Message for the week of May 16th.

Field Day

Field day is this Friday, May 20th. The weather forecast is calling for temperatures in the 90’s, so we will make modifications to our plans to ensure students are hydrated and well fed before heading outside to play. 

There are many details and reminders related to field day in the emailed version of this message. Some of the basics include bringing a change of clothes because students will get wet, applying sunscreen at home before school, and enjoying the water stations for hydration, not for pouring water on others. We want to extend a special thank you to the Moyer family for helping with the logistics of field day and for obtaining ice pops for all of the children!

Field Day Schedule:

Session 1- Grades 3 and 5 Walk out to field at 9:15-9:20

Session 2- Grades 1 and 2 Walk out to field at 11:15-11:20

Session 3- Grades K/4/ECS Walk out to field at 1:20-1:25

  • Specials-  There will be no Specials on Friday.
  • Clothing- Bring a change of clothes and a towel. No white t-shirts as we will be getting wet.  Also, wear sneakers/tennis shoes.  No flip flops, crocks, etc.
  • Sunscreen- Please apply sunscreen at home before school. 
  • Water Drinking centers-  We will get wet at other centers....but the drinking centers are for drinking and staying hydrated.  Please remind- For safety, limited supplies,  and the sanity of our parent helpers - no dumping water on others 😉

Library Books 

The last day to check out books will be this Friday, May 20 (during arrival only since it's field day). All books are due back to the library by Friday May 27th so that inventory can be completed.

Mrs. O’Mara will be posting the number of books checked out in each class at the end of each day starting on Monday, May 23rd. The first class in each grade level to have a clean slate by returning, paying for, or replacing their books will earn a reward!

Next School Year

I have two important pieces of information related to next school year which I would like families to share with friends and neighbors who may not receive this message directly. 

  1. If you are NOT returning to a Wake County School next year, please contact our data manager, Beverly Robinson. This information is essential for us to have as soon as possible. It impacts our work building class rosters, purchasing materials, and planning for the appropriate allocation of teachers in grade levels and even positions in our school. 
  2. Similarly, if you know a neighbor, friend, or family member needing to enroll in kindergarten for next school year, PLEASE let them know they can connect with our data manager, Beverly Robinson, here at Baucom anytime. It helps us tremendously to gain kindergarten registration sooner rather than later. For instance, the district considers the registration numbers when allotting us teacher positions for the following year. The link to the WCPSS Kindergarten Registration website is included in the emailed version of this message for your convenience.

We’re #ClearedForTakeoff again as we move into a warm, summer-like climate this week. 

Previews & Reviews

End Of Grade Testing

All third through fifth grade students will participate in End of Grade Testing this school year. 

3rd grade students are required to take End of Grade (EOG) test on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, June 1st: ELA EOG
  • Tuesday, June 7th: Math EOG


4th grade students are required to take End of Grade (EOG) test on the following dates:

  • Thursday, June 2nd: ELA EOG
  • Friday, June 3rd: Math EOG


5th grade students are required to take End of Grade (EOG) test on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, June 1st: ELA EOG
  • Thursday, June 2nd: Math EOG
  • Friday, June 3rd: Science EOG


Spirit Night at Fresh Local- PTA is having a spirit night May 18th at FRESH Ice Cream in downtown Apex.  Come treat yourself between 5 and 8 pm that night and the PTA gets a portion of the profits!  

Library Books- We are asking for your help to retrieve all overdue library materials. If you aren’t sure if your child has books that are overdue, reach out to your child’s teacher and they can let you know what is missing or the cost to replace materials that you cannot find. 


Important Dates

Friday, May 20thField Day 2022 – during school hours (rain date May 27th)

Monday, May 30th – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Holiday

Wednesday, June 1st3rd and 5th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) End-of-Grade (EOG) State Exam

Thursday, June 2nd – 4th Grade ELA and 5th Grade Math EOGs

Friday, June 3rd – 4th Grade Math and 5th Grade Science EOGs

Week of June 6thEOG Makeups

Tuesday, June 7th – 3rd Grade Math EOG

Friday, June 10th – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 2022

Friday, June 10th – Gilbert/Minnick Team Moving Up Ceremony – 9:30am – Cafetorium

Friday, June 10th – Byrne/Stack Team Moving Up Ceremony – 11:00am – Cafetorium