The Sunday Kickoff Message: Week of May 2nd
Baucom Parents & Guardians,
This is Mrs. Huffman with the Sunday Kickoff Message to begin the week of May 2nd, which is Teacher Appreciation Week. If you are looking for ideas to show appreciation to your teachers, take a look at the FLIER in the emailed version of this message.
Walk to School
Also coming up this week, we have our annual walk to school event. We invite you to meet us at CC Jones park at 8 AM on Wednesday to participate in walking to school.
WCPSS Family Engagement Survey
WCPSS is currently administering its annual Family Engagement Survey. The window for providing input closes this Friday, May 6th, so we encourage you to take a few moments to submit your information this week. The survey asks questions about the quality of the school environment, how well the school communicates with families, whether the school actively encourages family involvement, and similar topics. The data gathered in this survey will help schools make improvements in all of these areas, so parents are strongly encouraged to participate. The link to access the survey is included in the email version of this message HERE.
Carpool Safety & Carpool Numbers
During afternoon carpool, we have noticed some students making unsafe choices and lacking awareness of their surroundings. Please speak with your Aviators about having calm bodies, listening to adult directions, and staying in line behind their colored cone as they wait to load into the car.
We also ask that you please have your number posted on paper in large, dark font so that it is visible for the staff member who is taking numbers. This helps us to decrease the number of typos entered and to be more efficient moving the line along. If you need a new carpool number page, please email Mrs. Headlee,
We’re #ClearedForTakeoff again this week. Please remember that Monday is a teacher workday, so we will see you all by 9:10 on TUESDAY morning.
Previews & Reviews
Library Books- We are asking for your help to retrieve all overdue library materials. If you aren’t sure if your child has books that are overdue, reach out to your child’s teacher and they can let you know what is missing or the cost to replace materials that you cannot find.
Spring Pictures- All money for purchased picture sheets and unpurchased pictures need to be returned to your students teacher by Friday, May 6th
Kindergarten Registration- Did you know that Kindergarten registration for 2022-2023 is well under way? If you yourself have a Kindergarten-age eligible little one to register, OR if you know a neighbor or family member needing to enroll for next school year, PLEASE let them know they can connect with our Data Manager, Beverly Robinson, here at Baucom anytime. It helps us tremendously to gain Kindergarten registration sooner rather than later. For instance, the district considers the registration numbers when allotting us teacher positions for the following year. Here’s the link to the WCPSS Kindergarten Registration website for your convenience.
Important Dates
Week of May 2nd – Quarter 4 Interim/Progress Reports Issued
Monday, May 2nd – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday
Wednesday, May 4th – Walk to School Day
Friday, May 6th – Final day at Baucom for Dr. Saunders
Tuesday, May 10th- PTA Meeting in Media Center/Zoom Link (In person and virtual options)
Thursday, May 12th – Kindergarten Orientation – 6:00pm – Rising students go to K classrooms and parents meet in the Media Center
Friday, May 20th – Field Day 2022 – during school hours (rain date May 27th)
Monday, May 30th – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Holiday
Wednesday, June 1st – 3rd and 5th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) End-of-Grade (EOG) State Exam
Thursday, June 2nd – 4th Grade ELA and 5th Grade Math EOGs
Friday, June 3rd – 4th Grade Math and 5th Grade Science EOGs
Week of June 6th – EOG Makeups
Tuesday, June 7th – 3rd Grade Math EOG
Friday, June 10th – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 2022
Friday, June 10th – Gilbert/Minnick Team Moving Up Ceremony – 9:30am – Cafetorium
Friday, June 10th – Byrne/Stack Team Moving Up Ceremony – 11:00am – Cafetorium