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9.1.2024 Update

September 1, 2024


Dear Rogers Lane Families:





Monday, September 2nd is a holiday and there is no school for students. We will  see 1st through 5th grade students on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 and Kindergarten students will start on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.





Our next event is our OPEN HOUSE, Thursday September 12, 2024. During this event, you will be able to hear from your child’s teacher to learn:

  • Your child’s daily schedule
  • What your child is learning while in school?
  • How you can help your child out side of school.

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Families are welcome to send in healthy snacks for their child and his/her classmates to eat during lunch time. This year we are not permitting sweets (cupcakes, cookies, etc) to be passed out during the school day.


Our goal is to encourage healthy eating habits among students. Encouraging nutritious snacks supports students' overall well-being and aligns with the school's commitment to fostering a healthy environment.


Not all students can consume sweets due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or personal and religious beliefs. By avoiding sweets, the school ensures that all students feel included, and no one is left out or made to feel different because of their dietary needs.


The primary purpose of school is education. Birthday celebrations with sweets can be distracting and take away from valuable instructional time. By keeping celebrations simple and focused on the student rather than on the food, the school maintains a learning-focused environment.





If you wish to pick up your child in the carpool line at any time during the year, you must display the Rogers Lane carpool tag from your rearview mirror. If you were assigned a carpool number last year, you will use the same number for this school year.


During morning drop off there is one line for cars. During afternoon drop off, there are two lines that will merge into one line. Be sure to have your carpool tag hanging in your car’s rearview mirror.


For the safety and efficiency of the process, parents should remain in their cars during this time. Rogers Lane staff will help your child(ren) exit your vehicle. 


Starting this week all 1st through 5th grade students will walk independently to class. Parents of Kindergarten students will be allowed to walk students to class until Monday, September 9, 2024.




All parents/guests visiting our school campus are required to go directly to the front office before going anywhere else on campus. Our office staff will provide information and assistance. School doors remain locked during the school day; please ring the doorbell by the front door for assistance when visiting the school.




This year we are asking families to only check students out early for occasional appointments or emergencies. Teachers are teaching BELL to BELL. When you check your child out early, they are missing important instruction.


Students will not be able to check out from the front office after 3:15, as this can be disruptive to finishing the school day effectively.




We look forward to partnering with you to support your child, as the best education for our students can be achieved through a comprehensive partnership between our school, families, and community.


Our PTA works hard to provide representation, support, and fun opportunities for our families. I encourage you to join our PTA as a board member or general member. PTA membership forms will be available at our Meet the Teacher event and in the front office. You can also contact our PTA directly at


2024 – 2025 PTA Officers

PTA President – Michael Sharp

Vice President – Heather Carter

Secretary – Patricia Bethea

Treasurer – John Gerew




ARRIVAL: School doors open at 8:45 am. Students should not be dropped off before 8:45 AM as they will be unsupervised. Students should arrive at school between 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM. Any tardy student (arriving to their class after 9:15 AM) must be checked in at the front office by their parent/guardian.

DISMISSAL: Dismissal begins at 3:45 p.m. Unless students are identified by the WCPSS Transportation Department as living in the Rogers Lane walk zone, they will need to be dismissed through carpool or by riding their assigned bus or daycare van. Please communicate with your child’s teacher in advance about your child’s primary mode of transportation.




I am sharing our Student-Family Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review with your child(ren) prior to the start of school >> RLES Student-Parent Handbook.


The Spanish version can be found here >> Spanish RLES Student-Parent Handbook



Parents/guardians may eat lunch with their child(ren) starting Monday, September 9th. This will allow teachers time to teach and practice cafeteria expectations with their students.



Thank you for your support,



Cejuanna Morgan




Please refer to our school website for updates, information, and upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming events:


  • September 2 | No School for all students
  • September 4 | 1st Day of School for Kindergarten
  • September 9 | Last day Kindergarten families can walk students to class
  • September 9 | Parents/Guardians can begin eating lunch with students
  • September 12 | Open House, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
  • September 18 | Fall Pictures
  • September 20 | Teacher Workday
  • September 27 | Quarter 1 Interims Go Home (1st through 5th grade)
  • October 3 | Teacher Workday
  • October 14 | Teacher Workday