Weekly update 2/2/24
Friday, February 2, 2024
Spring Picture Day and 8th Grade Panoramic Group Photo -
Spring picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13th. Only students that have prepaid will participate in the picture day. You may prepay using the flyers that will be sent home with students or you may wish to pay online at www.strawbridge.net. The school code is: FM423067. Eighth graders will pose for a full-class picture that can be purchased using the link and code. The school code is: FM423067 for the individual spring pictures and FM423068 for the 8th Grade Panoramic Photo. Pre-Paid students will be called by grade levels for pictures starting at 7:30am. Eighth graders will pose for the grade level panoramic picture after lunch that can be purchased using the link above and the 8th Grade Panoramic Code.
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System-2 (BIMAS-2)-
We will be administering a universal screener of social, emotional, and behavioral health called BIMAS-2 in our continuing efforts to support the well-being of all our students. This screener tool will be used to identify students who may benefit from additional academic support and interventions. A letter is being sent home today with more information. If you do not want your child screened, please complete the Opt-Out Form.
Letter in English Carta en español
8th Grade Families-
High School registration is just around the corner. Please view this letter (Español) with information on HS Open House dates, Student and Parent Presentations and more. Additionally, Magnet Results come out on February 22nd.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Estes at jestes2@wcpss.net or 919-664-5737 ext 26648.
Second Step-
The lessons this week were…
6th Grade: Lesson 16: How Emotions Affect Your Decisions
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will analyze how strong emotions can influence their decision-making abilities, as well as how those decisions can affect their relationships.
Parent Engagement Prompt: Ask your child what sorts of things trigger strong emotions in them. Ask them how you can show support when those things happen.
7th Grade: Lesson 16: Unhelpful Thoughts
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will distinguish between helpful thoughts, which are thoughts that can help them make good decisions, and unhelpful thoughts, which are thoughts that can lead to negative decisions.
Parent Engagement Prompt: Tell your child about a helpful thought you recently had and the decision you made because of it. Ask them to share a helpful thought they had as well. If they can’t think of anything, point out something positive they did recently and help them identify the thought that went along with it.
8th Grade: Lesson 16: Can Stress Help You Grow?
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn to reframe stressful situations as opportunities for growth.
Parent Engagement Prompt: Tell your child about a stressful situation you were recently in and how you were able to use that stress to improve yourself or the situation. Ask your child if they have any stressors in their life that they need help with.
Upcoming School Events:
2.5.24 Monday Intramurals: Indoor Soccer
2.6.24 Tuesday Intramurals: Volleyball
2.7.24 Wednesday Intramurals: Basketball