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Weekly Update 10/13/23

  • Walk/Run 5K for Autism on October 14: Moore Square Middle School students, staff, and community have raised $811.50 for the NC Autism Society and will participate in the annual 5k on this Saturday. We want to thank staff members, Ms. Brown, Ms. Moye, Mr. Pavone, Mr. Munson, Ms. Hancock, Ms. Day, and Mr. Lesher for leading our school and the students and the families of- Booker M, Caroline S, Sammy D, Henry C, Eli S, and Kiano M-H. Our efforts will improve the lives of children and adults with autism by raising funds to support local programs. 


  • CDM or Credit by Demonstrated Mastery Parent/Student Info Sessions: Virtual Info Session on October 19 at 7pm and In-Person Info Session on October 20 at 7:45 at M2MS will be held to provide information on how the CDM process offered by WCPSS schools works. Like SSA, CDM “offers North Carolina students the opportunity to personalize and accelerate their learning by earning course credit through a demonstration of mastery of course material.” This is for specific high school-level courses, including Math 1 and Math 2, which are offered here at M2. Students in all grade levels may be able to participate in the CDM process. The application window is open until December 15th, but now is the time to learn about CDM and see if this is the right path for the students. Have questions beforehand…contact Mr. Lesher at


  • Friendly reminder: All notes to excuse absences may be brought to the front office upon your student’s return to school or emailed to Upon receipt, please give us time for it to be updated within PowerSchool as “excused”, as this has to be manually changed for each student for each individual class. 


  • 8th Graders: The Early College and Magnet season is approaching! Please check out the information sessions and tours. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Estes at or 919-664-5737 x 26648.

    • General Magnet Information Sessions (virtual sessions)

      • Oct 19th, Nov 16th, Dec 14th, and Jan 18th from 10am-11am

      • RSVP to receive the link

    • General Magnet Information Sessions (in-person sessions)

      • Nov 2nd, Dec 7th, and Jan 4th from 10am-11am at 5625 Dillard Drive, Cary, NC 27518

    • Early College Fair: Saturday,Oct 14, 2023 from 9am-11am at Vernon Malone College and Career Academy (2200 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh NC 27603)

    • Magnet and Early College Fair: Saturday, Nov 4, 2023 from 9am-12pm at Garner Magnet High School (2101 Spring Drive, Garner NC 27529)

    • High School & Early College Tour Information

    • Specific School Info:

      • Wake STEM Early College Open House- Monday, November 6th from 6:30-7:30 (in person) or Monday, November 13th from 6:30-7:30 (virtual) 

      • Enloe Magnet Showcase- Tuesday, November 14 from 6:00-8:00 pm


  • Second Step: The lessons for this upcoming week are:

    • 6th Grade: Monitoring Your Progress

      • Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn strategies for how to stay on track toward their goals. They’ll learn how to monitor their own progress, decide if they need to try new strategies, and determine when their goal is complete.

      • Question: Ask your child about a goal they’re actively working toward. Ask them if they are encountering any roadblocks and how you can help them determine the next steps forward.

    • 7th Grade: Overcoming Roadblocks 2

      • Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will identify a goal they want to work on, anticipate roadblocks, and develop an If–Then Plan for their own goal.

      • Question: Think of a time you achieved a big goal, such as learning to drive or graduating from school. Tell your child about your big goal and some of the smaller goals you needed to finish in order to achieve it. Ask your child to tell you about a goal they have.

    • 8th Grade: My Future Self

      • Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will imagine who they want to be in the future.

      • Question: Ask your child what they want their life to look like in the future. What skills or abilities do they want to have? What qualities or values do they want to develop?


  • Arts Boosters News: Read the latest Arts Boosters update here! You want to make sure you purchase your tickets to our musical performance of Spongebob in advance, as they will not be available at the door.


  • Important School Dates: 

    • 10/14/23- Run/Walk for Autism, Early College Fair

    • 10/16/23- Fishing Club and Flag Football Intramural 2:30-3:30

    • 10/17/23- CAM Docents (club) 2:30-4:00, Garden Club meeting 2:30-4:00, Dungeons & Dragons (club) 2:30-3:30, Volleyball Intramural 2:30-3:30

    • 10/19/23- PSAT for Math 2 (registered students only), Be the Man (club) 2:30-4:00, Basketball Intramural 2:30-3:30