Update Chromebooks and Chromeboxes Before Students Return
Update Chromebooks and Chromeboxes Before Students Return
- By Allison Reid _ Staff - TechnologySvcs Senior Director
- Mon, Aug 14, 2023 3:56 PM

Several Chrome OS updates were released over the summer. Devices not on the current WCPSS-approved OS will require an update when they are turned on. Devices will not function until the installation is completed. To ensure that instruction is not impacted, we recommend the following:
Power on all Chromebooks and Chromeboxes (attached to your classroom displays). Follow the on-screen prompts to update.
This includes devices in carts.
Encourage families to update their student’s WCPSS-assigned device before the first day of instruction.
Suggested family message provided below in English and Spanish.
Regularly restart Chromebooks and Chromeboxes throughout the school year.
This is essential to keep devices updated for security, online testing, and other functionality.
Family Announcement
Update Chromebooks Prior to the First Day of School
Over the summer, several Chromebook OS updates were released. To ensure your student is ready for the start of school, power the Chromebook on before the first day of classes.
If an update is needed, the screen will show Immediate Update Required. In the bottom-right portion of the screen, click Update Now. The updates will install and the device will restart. If multiple updates are required, repeat this process until the login screen appears. Once the login screen appears, all updates have been installed and the device is ready for use.
Important: If you do not have internet access at your location, bring the student device to “meet the teacher” and turn it on at school.
Actualización de Chromebooks antes del primer día de clases
Durante el verano, se realizaron varias actualizaciones del sistema operativo de Chromebook. Para asegurarnos de que su estudiante esté listo para el inicio de clases, encienda el Chromebook antes del primer día de clases.
Si se necesita una actualización, la pantalla mostrará el mensaje Immediate Update Required (Actualización inmediata requerida). En la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla, haga clic en Update Now (Actualizar ahora). Las actualizaciones se instalarán y el dispositivo se reiniciará. Si se requieren varias actualizaciones, repita este proceso hasta que aparezca la pantalla de inicio de sesión. Una vez que aparezca la pantalla de inicio de sesión, todas las actualizaciones habrán sido instaladas y el dispositivo estará listo para su uso.
Importante: Si no tiene acceso a Internet donde usted se encuentra, lleve el dispositivo del estudiante el día de “meet the teacher” (conocer al maestro) y enciéndalo en la escuela.