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BOLTS Broadcast - January 21-24, 2025


Our basketball students played their hearts out on Monday! If you were at the games, you got to see their passion!  Though we lost, it was wonderful to see our students give it their all! Shout out to our cheerleaders who kept the energy high in our gym! We also had an entertaining Cultural Arts assembly thanks to our PTA!  Being able to host these types of experiences for our students is invaluable! Thank you to our PTA for hosting these events!  Right now we are finishing our final Movie Night for the year and the kids are having the BEST time!  Thank you to the moms who came to support our lunch coverage for our staff! We surprised them with this experience and they were elated to know they had a couple extra minutes to themselves today! Thank you to our PTA for supporting our Cafeteria Crew!  Remember to keep an eye on Twitter/X for images of our school’s happenings!


We are also excited to announce that Ms. McQuaig, one of our CTE teachers, won the Karen Sinders Grant through the Apex Public School Foundation! With this grant, we will be acquiring Virtual Reality headsets so our students can explore what it is like working in various careers! We are ‘electrified’ with excitement that she’s won this grant and are excited to bring VR headsets to our students!


As a reminder, there is no school on Monday. Students will return to school on Tuesday. The re-scheduled 7th grade dance is also this coming Friday (the 24th). As a reminder, students need the updated permission slip (with the revised date) in order to attend the dance. 


You can click here to view a weekly newsletter from our classroom teachers.


Save the date and sign up to participate in our 2nd annual Global Night (previously Multicultural Night) on March 27th!  Are you interested in showcasing your culture or talents at Global Night?  We’d love for you to be part of this special event!  Please fill out the Interest Form as soon as possible!  More information will be forthcoming!


Please join us in welcoming Ms. Boros, our new art teacher!  She is officially starting on Monday and we are excited about her joining our community! She’s a talented and passionate artist who is new to teaching! Ms. Boros is excited to continue to foster a culture of exceptional art opportunities for our students!



Please join me in welcoming Ms. Wiggins-Price. She is joining us as an interim Assistant Principal for the next couple of months.  She brings a plethora of knowledge and experience in working in a middle school! She will work with all 3 grade levels and we are thrilled to have her join our team! You can reach her at: if you have any questions.  



As we prepare for the transition to high school, we would like to invite you to an informational Google Meet session to learn about the high school registration process. On February 24th at 6:30PM, we will host a session where we cover topics like course selection, registration timelines, and answer any other questions you may have to ensure a smooth transition into high school. This is a great opportunity to gather all the information you need as you plan for the next steps in your student's educational journey. This presentation will also be presented to your student before registration. The link for this meeting will be disseminated closer to the meeting date/time.



We are trying to collect information from our feeder high schools about their Open Houses for rising 9th graders. This document has the dates and information. As we receive more information, we will continue to update the link.



We have about 25 students slated to attend Middle Creek High School next year.  We’ve invited them to our school later this month to talk to our 8th graders about their academies.  Below are the 2 flyers associated with their academies.  Academies are a great way for your students to attend a large comprehensive high school, but with a cohort of students that have a common interest.  Many academies require applications to be completed in the next month or so.  That said, if Middle Creek High School is not your 8th grader’s next steps, check out the academy offerings at your child’s school.  Almost all high schools have at least 1.


middle creek academy of professional educatorsmiddle creek adobe digital media academy



We have postponed the 7th grade dance that was supposed to occur tonight to January 24th from 3:30-5:30.  If you are in need of a refund, because that date does not work for your family, please contact our Bookkeeper, Ms. Nichols.  She can assist you with that process. Remember, permission slips are required to attend and all students have received a paper copy.  There’s a link in the calendar section below if you need a copy, or extra copies can be obtained through our Main Office.  With the revised date, students are expected to return the revised permission slip (below) if they are attending on this new date, even if they previously submitted the permission slip.  


We are hoping to have more families use SchoolCash Online for our school events, as the processing on our end is much easier!  That said, you can already purchase your tickets for the 7th grade dance in January.  In case this is new to you:

• Go to and click Register 

• Enter first name, last name, and email address, and create a password 

• Select a security question 

• Select Yes to receive email notifications (note that you will not receive any promotional emails) 

• You will receive confirmation by email. Check your spam/junk folder if you don’t receive it. 

• Use your email address and password to log in to your account 

• Select the item that you would like to purchase and click ADD TO CART

• After you have finished adding items to your cart, click Continue to make your payment



We will hold our end of year Award Ceremonies on:

  • Track 1 - May 28
  • Tracks 2-4 - June 25


Specific times will be announced closer to the date of the events.



State law requires the County to share this information with families. 

Using this link, you can view our athletic schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. This information is also located under our “Athletics” tab on our website. This will be updated as changes are made to schedules due to weather events, etc. Go Lightning!
Yearbooks can be purchased via this link. They are currently $55.

Remember you can may for many school related events via SchoolCash Online.  Create an account by following the directions that can be found here.


When your child is absent for any reason, please use the attendance email ( Please include the student's first and last name, grade/track, reason for absence, and the dates they are absent. This will help code your student accurately. As a reminder, WCPSS Board Policy requires that absence notes are received within 2 days of the absence. If you have any questions about an absence, please contact Mr. Thunes, our Data Manager, at If your student is marked absent from a specific class period, please reach out to the teacher first.

As a reminder, when you are unsure of who to contact about specific situations, allow this quick list to be a support:
  • Assignments, grading practices, content questions, class environment, peer issues - Classroom Teachers
  • Schedule questions, mental health, family emergencies - Counselors
  • Staff concerns, student issues teachers couldn’t resolve, grade level questions - Assistant Principals
  • Absences, attendance - (this is new)
  • Concerns that Assistant Principals were unable to resolve - Principal
For your reference, the names and emails of the aforementioned staff members are:

Social Worker

Abbi Williams

Interim Assistant Principal

Connie Wiggins-Price

6th Grade Counselor

Cynthia Alcorn

6th Grade Assistant Principal

Keith McLendon

7th Grade Counselor

Thomas Evanoff

7th Grade Assistant Principal

Tameka Manning

8th Grade Counselor

Marta Barbian

8th Grade Assistant Principal

Lisa Adcock


Elizabeth Hanna

  • January 20 - No School
  • January 24 - 7th Grade Dance (permission slip required)
  • February 3 - Basketball vs. Apex MS
  • February 5 - PTA Meeting at 5:30 in Media Center
  • February 13 - Basketball vs. Holly Grove MS
  • February 13-19 - Book Fair
  • February 24 - High School Registration Google Meet at 6:30PM (link will be sent closer to time)
  • March 7 - 7th grade Dance 3:30-5:30 (permission slip required, will be forthcoming)
  • March 11 - NJHS Inductions at 5:30 (invitations to follow for students who are included in this process)
  • March 13 - Softball vs. Holly Ridge
  • March 18 - Boys soccer vs. Holly Ridge
  • March 20 - Softball vs. Fuquay-Varina
  • March 27 - Global Night @ 5:30PM
  • March 28 - 6th Grade Dance 3:30-5:30 (permission slip required, will be forthcoming)
  • You can access our Year Round Calendars for this year here:
pta news banner

🎉 7th Grade Dance Jan. 24 - Volunteers

The 7th Grade Dance is now Jan. 24, since the original dance was postponed due to the school closure for weather. Volunteers will help with set-up, concessions, and clean-up. Please join us!

➡️ Sign up here:

🆘 Support Our Students! PTA Meeting February 5

Our next PTA meeting is February 5 at 5:30 pm. On our agenda: 

  • Important Budget Updates (find out and vote on budget allocations!) 

  • Update from Ms. Hanna

  • Volunteer Needs and Opportunities

  • Book Fair

  • 8th Grade Celebrations

🎉 8th Grade Celebrations: Join the Team

Be part of the team that helps plan the final 8th grade dance, end of year picnic, and more. Click here if you’re interested. This doesn’t commit you to anything; we’ll invite you to our first planning meeting where you can learn what’s in store. We look forward to hearing from you!

🐔 January Spirit Night - Zaxby’s Apex

Save the Date! Tuesday, January 28, 2025 is Spirit Night at Zaxby’s Apex — 1171 Pine Plaza Drive — from 4-8 pm. Lufkin PTA earns 15% of sales that evening, which will support programming and resources that directly benefit our students and teachers. Spread the word! You MUST mention  Lufkin Road Middle School Spirit Night for orders to count. See you there!

📚 📅 Save the Date: Book Fair Feb. 12-19

Mark your calendars! The LRMS Scholastic Book Fair opens February 13, with set-up taking place February 12. More information will be coming soon about how students can buy books and how parents can help out. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Thank you!


PTA Board Members
President - Brooke Patin -
Vice President - Tina Korzeniowski -
Treasurer - Brooke Kelley -
Secretary - Julie Chase -
Keep In Touch
To stay in the loop with your fellow parents and PTA volunteers, here’s where you’ll find us:

🗣️Ideas? Suggestions? 

Send in your thoughts via this private form.