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Mr. Clark's Bengal Message for the week of 08/25/2024


New/Updated Announcements


Good evening Bengal Family.  We are ready for the start of school and can't wait to welcome your students to our brand-new school on Tuesday, August 27th.  If your child was unable to attend the Walk your Schedule event, we will have several staff members on hand to guide and direct students to their Homeroom/First period class on Tuesday.


Carpool Procedures

You may find our carpool procedures at this LINK.  Please take some time to read through it and view the video that is hyperlinked at the top of the document.  You may click on this LINK to access the video as well.  As you know, carpool will take a little longer the first few days as we adjust to the procedure and work out any kinks.  Please be patient as we work to make carpool as efficient and safe as possible. We will have FVPD on site directing traffic to assist with carpool.  Please do not drop your kids off in the surrounding neighborhoods.  


Athletic Information

We will have interest meetings for our fall sports on Thursday, August 29th from 3:00-4:00 pm at the location listed below.  7th and 8th grade students wishing to participate on an athletic team in the fall must set up/update their account in Dragonfly.  You will upload your child's physical form, acknowledge parent/student contracts, and etc. on this site.  Please follow this LINK for instructions on how to set up your account.  If you have any questions, you may email our Athletic Director, Coach Umphrey at  Parents should plan to pick up their child in the carpool loop at 3:45 pm on Thursday following the interest meetings.


Football - Main Gym

Girls Soccer and Volleyball - 6th Grade Common area (Uptown 2400 C)

Cheerleading - Coach Umphrey's classroom (Room 1318)


New Counselor

This year, we have a new counselor joining the Bengal Family, Ms. Jessica Carvalho.  She will be working with our 7th grade students.  Ms. Fonda Phillips will be working with our 6th grade students and Mr. Morman will be working with our 8th grade students.  Their emails are listed below if you need to get in contact with them. 


Ms. Fonda Phillips (6th Grade Counselor) -

Ms. Jessica Carvalho (7th Grade Counselor) -

Mr. Alvin Morman (8th Grade Counselor) -


No food in the Classrooms

In order to keep our school looking and smelling clean and new we will not be allowing food and drinks, other than water, in our classrooms.  Students will need to eat their breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria during designated times.  This will be discussed with students during the first week of school.  Exceptions will be made for students with health care plans that require them to eat snacks during the school day.   


Cell Phones

We will have the same cell phone policy as last school year.  Students will be expected to place their cell phone in a designated area in the classroom.  This is to ensure our learning environments are free from distractions and students can be fully engaged in the lessons being taught by their teachers. 


Student Chromebook Updates

Over the summer, several Chromebook OS updates were released. To ensure your student is ready for the start of school, power the Chromebook on before the first day of classes. 


If an update is needed, the screen will show Immediate Update Required. In the bottom-right portion of the screen, click Update Now. The updates will install and the device will restart. If multiple updates are required, repeat this process until the login screen appears. Once the login screen appears, all updates have been installed and the device is ready for use.


Important: If you do not have internet access at your location, bring the student device to school on Tuesday, and the updates can be performed at school.


6th grade students and students new to WCPSS will receive their new Chromebooks during the first week of school.


Reading your Schedule

Here is a LINK that explains how to read your class schedule from PowerSchool.  Teachers will be taking time to explain this in more detail during the 1st week of school. 


Travel to Italy

If you and/or your child would like to take a trip to Rome, Italy during the summer of 2025, click on this LINK for additional information. 




Walker Pass

If your child will be a walker after school, please complete this

Walker Pass Google Form. This year, we will not be requiring students to live within a mile of the school in order to receive a walker pass.  However, they must have a walker's pass in order to leave the school by way of walking or riding their bike.  In addition, the walker pass should not be used to avoid carpool and meet your son/daughter on a nearby street.  Students should be walking to their house or their parent's place of business. 


Carpool Casanova this Friday

Get ready for an epic celebration this Friday as Carpool Casanova from @MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM joins us at Fuquay-Varina Middle School to wrap up the first week of the 2024-2025 school year! Let’s paint the school pink for the occasion—make sure your student sports lots of pink to join in the fun and show their school spirit! 






Ongoing Announcements

Mark your Calendars

Below you will find dates and times to our upcoming events that take place at the beginning of the school year. More information may be found below for our 6th grade Virtual Meeting and Walk your schedule.  

    • August 27th - First day of School
    • September 19th - Virtual Open House
    • September 25th - School Wide Fundraiser Kick-off
    • September 27th - Deadline to submit documentation for Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine (7th Grade students only) 

A/B Schedule

This school year, we have modified our schedule slightly that will impact your child's class schedule.  This year, we are moving to an A/B Schedule for our elective classes which means, students will only attend one elective a day and alternate each day which elective they attend.  For example, on Tuesday, August 27th, when students report to school, they will attend their 1st elective class on their schedule.  This will be known as an A day. On Wednesday, students will attend their 2nd elective class on their schedule which will be known as a B day.  This pattern will continue throughout the entire school year.  We will have signs posted and announcements will be made daily to remind students what day it is.  Along with this, we have extended the elective period class from 45 minutes to 63 minutes.  A link to our schedule may be found HERE.  

Bengal P.R.I.D.E. Time

The 2nd adjustment we have made to our schedule is students will attend an enrichment/intervention period each day for 30 minutes after 3rd period known as "Bengal P.R.I.D.E. Time." This was something they did last year on Wednesday's only.  This year students will attend this period each day.  Monday - Thursday, students will have the opportunity to work with their core/elective teachers on SEL (Social Emotional Learning) lessons, enrichment activities, make-up missing assignments, and/or get assistance with content they are not mastering in the class.  On Fridays, students will attend their club that they will sign up for during the first week of school.   


7th Grade Immunizations  

All 7th grade students must provide documentation that they have received the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine.  We must receive this documentation by September 27th.  Failure to do so will result in your child being excluded from school.  You may bring your child’s updated shot records to the school between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, email them to Ms. Donna Lanham at or fax them to 919-670-4397.   


Only Medical and Religious exemptions are accepted in NC. For more information about exclusions, please visit 


Bus Rider Registration

If you would like to register your child for bus transportation next school year, you may do so at this LINK.  If you have any questions about transportation, you may email Mr. DeVane at  





View your student’s Individual Student Report for EOG and EOC results

Test results are now available in PowerSchool for all students who took EOG or EOC tests, including students on year-round tracks 2, 3, and 4.  To view your child’s Individual Student Report (ISR), log in to PowerSchool and click on State Test Reports in the left side of the menu. (The ISRs will only be viewable in the web-based version of PowerSchool. They are currently not viewable in the PowerSchool mobile app.).  


For additional information about how to interpret these results, you may visit this website NCDPI ISR webpage or the WCPSS Understanding EOG/EOC Test Results page.


2024-2025 School Calendar

You may view the 2024-2025 school calendar at this LINK.



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