September 15, 2023: Open House Next Week!
Please join us for our Open House next week on Thursday, September 21st. This is a great opportunity to learn about the PTA, your child’s classroom, and other school support programs. This is an event that is designed for parents/guardians only; we ask that you make childcare arrangements for your children. Please see the schedule for the evening below.
5:00-5:30 pm: PTA General Meeting in the Media Center
5:35-6:05 and 6:10-6:40: Grade level teachers will host identical sessions.
5:35-7:00 Tables will be set up in the cafeteria for families to visit: PTA, School Counselors, Academic Support Staff, AIG, ESL, etc.
Positivity Project
We would like to thank the PTA for continuing to support The Positivity Project here at WES. To learn more about what this is as well as what Character Strengths we focus on, please check out: P2 Family Letter
News from the PTA
WES Edible Garden Fall Cleanup (Rain Date)
Join us on Sunday September 17th from 4-6pm to help us clean up and prep our WES Garden!
Bring the whole family along–this is a really fun event for kids of all ages! Stay for as long as you're able to. We greatly appreciate your help, thank you! Another way to contribute is to donate a medium sized terracotta pot, gently used or new. These may be brought to the garden during Clean Up or delivered to the office (c/o Ms. Capasso).
If you drive a pickup truck or any vehicle with a large trunk, and are able to discard large trash bags at the local facility, please mention on the sign up form, or contact Shannon (Edible Garden Lead Teacher) directly at
Please RSVP on:
Donations for Teacher Snacks for Open House
The teachers and staff have been working hard welcoming the students back. Now WES is welcoming Parents to an Open House on Thursday 9/21 from 5:30pm to 7pm. Since it will be a very long day, the PTA Hospitality invites you to donate some snacks for the teachers and staff. Please click on the link to donate:
First PTA General Meeting
The WES PTA invites you to our first general meeting on Thursday 9/21 from 5pm to 5:30pm (before Open House), in the Media Center. We will be voting in our Budget for the year, announce upcoming events, and will have updates from our PTA Board. Everyone is welcome!! We look forward to seeing you all there!
WES Spirit Wear
Show your school spirit with the new ‘23-’24 WES t-shirt! Visit our school store website today to purchase all your WES gear!
Help Fill WES Cupboards
The PTA and WES Counselors would like to invite you to fill our Cupboards with snack donations! Our goal is to have no student go hungry at snack time. Please click on the link below for more information, and to sign up. Thank you!!
Save the Date
Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day will be Wednesday, Oct 4th. Please mark your calendars and be on the lookout for more details.
Running Club
Weatherstone Endurance Superstars (aka Running Club) is back for the 2023-2024 school year. Join us WEDNESDAY mornings from 8:15-8:45 a.m. as we lace up and work towards completing a marathon by the end of the school year. Participation is open to all grades. However, Kindergarten and 1st grade parents must stay with their children.
Students will walk, jog or run around the track and keep count of the distance completed. If interested, and only if your child is planning to attend, register and complete the waiver no later than Friday Oct 6th.
Registration is online at: WES 2023/2024 Running. Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 11th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jenny Andreev at