Our school emphasizes strengthening academic skills. The following courses are individualized to meet the needs of each student:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health & PE
- Technology
- Pre-Vocational Education
Academic remediation is available for students in the areas of Math and Reading. Student-to-teacher ratio is no mor than 10:1. In addition to teaching staff, River Oaks has a full-time principal, assistant principal, two counselors, social worker, media specialist, and two office support staff. We are a Positive Behavior Support school and use a contingency management system that is designed to allow students various privileges and rewards based on a point system.
Support Services for Returning Students
Once accepted, students are admitted to attend River Oaks for the remainder of that school year. Often students are encouraged to return to their base school for the next year. Transition meetings are scheduled one week after the end of the school year. At that time, River Oaks staff meets with base school representatives to discuss the students progress and plan for the students placement during the next school year. If students have been responsive to River Oaks as and intervention, they are often allowed to return to our school if problems re-occur after returning to their base school.